We have been receiving many emails asking us if we will be attending the demonstration at the DAP headquarters on March 12. We would like to say here that we will not do so because we do not want to divert the attention from the Serdang Kitten Killer. We are focused in bringing her to book and that will be our main goal. So, far the response we have received ftom the Department of Veterinary Services is very encouraging and we hope that she will be charged within the next week or two. Furthermore, its Ean Yong and Nie Ching that made the blunder and not the entire party. So far the DAP has been most supportive of us and some of its elected representatives have been sponsoring several adoption drives at their service centers for us. If any single party in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition will care to do something for the welfare of animals especially dogs, it will definitely be the DAP and not PKR or PAS. We will be arranging a dialogue with Ean Yong and Nie Ching where they will be told that they had behaved irresponsibly and idiotically by protecting the Serdang Kitten Killer.
We are also disassociating ourselves from the demonstration because it is being organized by several people who have strong links with PKR and one of its leaders Dr Xavier Jayakumar. This group is also involved in the CAT committee and have not done anything to counter the gross abuse of dogs by the local councils that we have been desperately highlighting. Hannah Yeoh also from the DAP had gone to organize a dialogue with Dr Xavier about a year ago on the plight of strays in the pound and even though we had handed over a proposal to him, nothing has been done thus far.
Matter of fact some of the main people at this proposed Sunday gathering has even gone to the extent of defending the pounds.
We condemn any form of selective persecution.
These are also the very same people who are targeting dog owners in their supposed countering of the stray population by even having gone on house to house inspections. This we, strongly believe, will result in those having more than the number of dogs they can keep, dumping their pets. This move also causes a lot of problems for rescuers and fosterers who have more than one pet at their homes at any one time.
Having said all this, we hope our friends will understand why we will not be participating. We would not have posted this if personal attacks and allegations had not leveled against us by a couple of people who made a sudden appearance and demanded that we attend the demonstration.
However, we will participate if a demo is held outside the Selangor state secretariat demanding that Dr Xavier together with all the other executive councilors and Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim take immediate measures to rectify the situation in the pounds.
We can also all collectively demand that the money used to pay the dog catchers can be utilized to launch the Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage method.
If only the group that is organizing this Sunday’s event is prepared to organize the same at the state secretariat – We would be eternally grateful to them. But will they?
Thank you and please see links for info on the pound atrocities.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
TIME: 11.30am to 7.30pm
DETAILS:019-3576477, 012-3739007, 017-2081844

TIME: 11.30am to 7.30pm
DETAILS:019-3576477, 012-3739007, 017-2081844

Sunday, March 6, 2011

There was a huge crowd at Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah's service center where the Serdang Kitten Killer's press conference was held. The pervert read from a prepared press statement saying that she regretted what she had done. But we could not see any remorse in her. The reasons for her being there was because she was receiving threats from strangers, her friends had all turned on her and her mother's chee cheong fun business was effected. Her excuse for her morbid behaviour was that she was troubled because of her parents divorce. We do not buy this because many people come from troubled backgrounds. Do they all go out and kill poor defenceless animals? We were also told that she did not have any trouble in school or was not a juvenile delinquent. So, this fact debunks the fallacy that she is a troubled person. One look at 21-year-old Chow Xiao Wei and you can tell that she is a bully! MDDB's Christine Lai and Cheryl Cheung had an interview with her and they reported that Ean Yong and Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching answered all the questions for her. That was not the right thing to do. Since, we know these two to be nice young people, we are going to 'assume' that they were not aware of what they were dealing with. Teo also said the pervert was stressed and could not meet those who were patiently waiting to see her for hours. Wrong thing to say YB! This evil, vicious, cruel, perverted poor excuse for a human being had stressed many people with her blatant act of cruelty. Please, YB Ean Yong and Nie Ching, do not insult the intelligence of animal activists by taking a defensive stance to save this perverted idiot's butt. Anyway, officers from both the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Department of Veterinary Services were there and Cheryl will be lodging a formal complaint with the Selangor DVS on Monday or Tuesday. We would like to thank the DVS officers for taking a pr0-active stance in dealing with animal cruelty cases. The SPCA was also there and we hope that this matter will be collectively pursued until this pervert is brought to book. We also learnt at today's press conference that this pervert Chow Xiao Wei had hammered the mother cat as well as we believe she said that the mother and two kittens were all dead. Our question - dis she go back and ensured that the other kitten and the mother cat, which was desperately trying to save its kittens, were killed? MDDB will pursue this matter and ensure that she will be the first person who is sent to jail - at least for a week - for her perverted act of cruelty. Christine Lai also says that she was pushed and shoved by a couple of men who were stationed at the door to prevent non-reporters from going in. The pervert was being treated like a victim. She had also lodged a police report stating that two people had threatened her. Stupid pervert!
IT appears to be so easy for some people to be cruel towards defenceless animals. MDDB came across several cruelty cases within the last month and we are totally sick with what we have to endure seeing. Last week a lady from Klang called us saying she had seen a dog with a serious injury around its neck. Thanks to Lester and his mum, the dog was located the following day and brought to our panel clinic. We were outraged with what we saw.
Deep injury to the next which reached almost the neck bone. The wound was also infested with maggots.
The wound was caused by a tight rubber band which was wound around the dog's neck by some sick pervert.
Maggots had eaten away the flesh almost to the neck bone.
Upon arrival at our panel clinic, the dog was treated and put on drips immediately. It is still in our panel clinic and once the wounds have healed, we will neuter the female dog and put her up for adoption.
This puppy came to us three weeks ago. She was unable to walk and it is believed that she may have been hit on the back. We found out today that she is pregnant. So its a case of a puppy having puppies.
This is one of the dogs which live in a housing estate in Klang. We have seen this dog around and we believe it belongs to someone because it appeared to be well cared for. We found the dog dead this evening while we we on our daily inspection rounds. There was blood from the anus and we think that he may have been poisoned.

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