HANDSOME Billy was rescued from Kajang when he was about two months old after he had been knocked down by a car.
His suffered from a hairline fracture to his pelvis bone as well as left hind leg and walked with a limp for quite a while.
However, with good veterinary treatment and tender loving care by his fosterer, Billy who is about five months old now is completely healed and needs a home to call his own.
Billy will be one of the many puppies and dogs that will be put-up for adoption at canine welfare project Malaysian Dog Deserve Better’s (MDDB) monthly adoption drive at Summit Subang Jaya this Sunday.
The adoption drive will be held at the main entrance from 11.30am to 7.30pm.
MDDB adoption coordinator Christine Lai said the canine welfare project would also be putting-up a jumble sale at the venue.
“We owe our panel clinics far too much money and this is one way of raising cash to pay them off,’’ said Lai.
She said MDDB will be holding a jumble sale at every one of its adoption drives beginning this month.
She said the items for sale this Sunday include electrical goods, decorative items and books.
MDDB will also be holding another adoption drive at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya the following Sunday Sept 16 from 11.30 am to 7.30pm.
The event will be held at Block NB1, facing Station 1 and Old Town White Coffee.
According to Lai, in addition to being short of funds, MDDB was also in need of supplies such as rice, dry and canned dog and puppy as well as cat and kitten food.
“We also need shampoo, bleach, washing soap, old newspapers and old towels,’’ said Lai.
Those who want to make donations in cash and kind can drop them off at the adoption drives, added Lai.
For details, visit www.