Our friends from KL Pooch Rescue spotted Beyonce at a shelter and noticed the bad shape she was in. There was also an air of despondency around her. When we saw her picture - our hearts simply broke and we wanted to so badly help this poor dog that had been caught and sent to the shelter by local council dog catchers. When she was first brought to our panel vet - she had a badly infected eye that was going soft. She was also very withdrawn and frightened of her own shadow. But today, Beyonce is like another dog altogether. Her infected eye has been removed and she is healing well - and Beyonce has become one happy dog. We suppose this is because she is feeling a sense of security and confidence now. Beyonce is reflective of the fact that all dogs deserve a second chance to live out their natural lives. She is currently at the vet and will be there until the stitches to her eyes are removed. Beyonce is up for adoption or fostering. We would also be grateful for sponsorship of her veterinary bills.