Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Malaysian canines deserve better
Malaysian Dog Nov 19, 08 4:22pm
I refer to the letter Dog-catching: Malaysia's reputation at risk.
As an independent animal rescuer, I am very glad that we have caught the attention of the writer who is with the London-based Mayhew Animal Home & Humane Education Centre's international department.
My fervent wish is that Hogan would now consider venturing into Malaysia to help homeless animals like what his department does in Russia, Afghanistan and Iraq.
I am imploring Hogan to do so as I, like other independent animal rescuers, can no longer emotionally handle seeing stray animals, especially dogs, undergoing tortuous lives here.
Unless an established organisation like the Mayhew Animal Home & Humane Education Centre comes into the picture, the situation in Malaysia in regard to the treatment of strays will remain the same.
For the record, following an article in a local English daily about the dog which was brutalised by the MPSJ dog-catchers, about RM4, 000 has been raised to go towards its welfare.
A well-wisher had also paid the compound and rescued the dog and its companion from the Puchong dog pound and both canines are now recuperating at a veterinary clinic.
The money donated by so many kindhearted people, who were equally disturbed as us with what had happened to the dog, will go towards the medical care, vaccination, de-worming, neutering as well as accommodation charges for both dogs until they are ready for adoption in a few months time.
Thanks to the two young dedicated veterinarians who are looking after the dogs, the injured canine, which is still traumatised, is slowly beginning to respond to them.
I am also certain that many Malaysians are unaware that there are a good number of independent dog rescuers here who use their own resources to save many of these dogs from the clutches of death.
Most of them compromise on their own needs as whatever they earn goes towards their cause.
All these indicate that in the event Mayhew Animal Home & Humane Education Centre decides to venture into Malaysia, the organisation would receive overwhelming support from people who care about the welfare of these strays.
So, please, please seriously consider coming to Malaysia not only to save our strays but to also give us independent animal rescuers hope that better days are ahead for these unfortunate animals.

My human says she is glad to have asked for my brother to be sent to Auntie Dr Gowri and Auntie Dr Kavita's clinic as he probably wouldn't have gotten over his fear if he had been sent elsewhere.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Please, Please Uncle James, Please

I was very happy when my human told me that a human Uncle called James Hogan has taken an interest in the mistreatment of my stray brothers and sisters here.
My sincere thanks to my sister Cleo’s human, Auntie N, who had brought this sad state of affairs to his attention.
My only hope is that Uncle James would come here and help set-up a really humane shelter/sanctuary for my countless stray siblings.
Please Uncle James, please come to Malaysia and set-up something here to give my stray kith and kin a ray of hope.
Sharmini Popiko Sasha (SPS) signing of with a melancholic woof, woof.
Monday, November 17, 2008

My brother is doing fine and certain developments have cropped-up.
Firstly, the entire episode had caught the attention of the London-based, Mayhew Animal Home & Humane Education Centre.
A Mr James Hogan, who is with the centre’s international department, has written in to Malaysiakini as well as the New Straits Times.
My human is hoping that Mr Hogan and his team will come in to give the unfortunate strays here some hope.
A well established legal firm has also offered to institute legal action free of charge against the local council to send the message that the Malaysian public will not tolerate brutality against strays.
This is good news but at the same time the shelter in Ampang Jaya is working towards jumping on the bandwagon, I believe more so after reading Mr Hogan’s letter.
Hopefully, they do not sabotage or derail the efforts being taken by other parties with their rekindled attempts even after the Department of Veterinary Services had said that there was no case.
They want to see the dog at Auntie Kavitha’s and Auntie Gowri’s to take its measurements to file a case again with the DVS.
However, one of our lawyer supporters tells us that in the event the DVS states that there is no case yet again, which it probably will, the legal action will be thrown out when it is filed at the court registry.
Therefore, there will be no outcome if this happens.
According to our contact, a check with the DVS also confirmed that the organisation has decided that there is no case and given this further pursuance of the matter with DVS will only derail all effort to ensure that justice is done.
So, all you kind uncles and aunties please hope that the Ampang Jaya will work together with the humans initiating the legal action instead of pursuing the DVS angle.
Please write to them if you have to.
Comments please.
P/S See letter attached below.
Dog-catching: Malaysia's reputation at risk
James Hogan Nov 17, 08 3:17pm
I would like to comment about the recent report of alleged cruel treatment of a stray dog by a team of dog-catchers employed by the Subang Jaya Municipal Council in Selangor, Malaysia but I would first like to explain why an international animal welfare organisation has taken an interest in this issue.MCPX
The Mayhew Animal Home & Humane Education Centre has been rescuing and caring for abandoned and unwanted animals in London since 1886 and today our work extends to places as far afield as Afghanistan, Russia, Romania and Algeria, where we advise city governments, provide special training for veterinarians and animal management personnel and promote ‘best practice’ across a wide spectrum of animal welfare activity.
We have a network of contacts across the globe and in recent times we have received an increasing number of disturbing reports from Malaysia about the treatment of animals there, especially regarding the issue of stray companion animals.
The latest report we have received from Selangor is about the dog which was allegedly beaten and injured as he was apparently forced through the railings of a locked gate by dog-catchers working for the Subang Jaya Municipal Council..
We believe the dog is now being kept in the local dog pound and requires veterinary treatment for its injuries, which should at the very least raise searching questions about the methods used in catching it.
I understand that the incident has been reported to the Puchong police and, while one does not wish to pre-judge any investigation, I have to say that this is not the first time that concerns about the operational practices of KL's dog-catchers have been brought to our attention.
Apart from the complaints of local animal welfare activists in KL, we have also received a number of critical independent reports from contacts in Europe and Asia after they had visited Kuala Lumpur on business or as tourists.
The concerns raised include the excessively rough methods used by the dog- catchers and the primitive conditions observed at the local dog pounds.
From a purely professional point of view, I would be interested to know what selection procedures are applied when local councils recruit staff to carry out this work and, crucially, what level of training is provided?
Malaysia is a successful country that thrives on international commerce, tourism and finance and has a right to be proud of its achievements in a fiercely competitive world.
However, Malaysia's image abroad is in danger of being tarnished by the negative impressions left with visitors to Kuala Lumpur when they witness stray companion animals being treated without respect or compassion, especially when this is done by the very people officially responsible for them.
The Kuala Lumpur Tourism Action Council website waxes lyrical about the joys of visiting KL, exclaiming: ‘KL offers a wholly unique experience to visitors.’
As someone who has a great affection for Malaysia and its people, I am sad to say that the individuals who contact us about distressing animal welfare issues after they have visited KL make it very clear that they have had ‘a unique experience’ that is very far removed from the image projected by the Tourism Action Council and is most assuredly one they do not wish to repeat.
The writer is attached to the International Department, Mayhew Animal Home & Humane Education Centre, London.
Woof, Woof,
Sharmini Popiko Sasha (SPS)
Sunday, November 16, 2008