Maybe it’s the season – or something else – we don’t know. But we have certainly been kept on our toes by the large numbers of puppies that are showing up wherever we go. Sadly, many are weak and in poor condition that we have to treat them before putting them up for adoption. Some kindly folks have adopted some of them regardless the bad skin condition. They have also taken their pups to the vet and put them on various other therapies to make them healthy. These people are also the ones that keep us going – as we know they will take over from us in loving and nurturing the puppies they adopt – without placing any expectations on the poor things. But sometime we get an exception – the nightmare of every rescuer. We had such a nightmare a couple of weeks ago by way of a lady who adopted one of our pups. Within days she decided to return the puppy because ‘it had diarrhea and a skin problem.’ She knew about the skin problem as she picked-up the puppy herself from our fosterer. She had also changed the brand of puppy food and given this, one can understand about the loose bowel. She also said she had taken the pup to the clinic and the vet had told her that its skin condition would take ages to get better. We can refute this as we have adopters who had healed their dog’s/pup’s skin condition in a week or so albeit the vet saying that it would be a long-term problem. And of course we have Luca – who is testimony that no skin condition is beyond treatment. And there’s also our Jojo – whose skin condition was countered in one single week in spite of one vet saying that it would take years. Anyway, coming back to the lady who returned the pup – we were furious that she didn’t give it a chance and angrier that she did not attempt to treat the diarrhea. We told her that she was being very irresponsible and her reply was that ‘if she was irresponsible she would have ‘left’ the puppy somewhere’ instead of returning it back to us! Aiyo! We also hope she understands why we are pissed with her.