Remember Rottie, the doggie with a sad tale? Well, he is doing very well and has blossomed into a friendly dog. We can see that he's grateful for having been given a chance to 'escape' from his miserable existence on the streets. Rottie has since been vaccinated and neutered and is in need of a hood home. The workers at the veterinary clinic where Rottie is being treated, say that he is a very friendly dog. Since he is a special case - we hope to find a family that will really love and cherish him. Anyone who can give Rottie the love and care he deserves, please call
Here's a flashback on Rottie's life for those who had not read it before.
“I was born in such a malicious way. My father, A Rottweiler went wondering on the roads not accompanied by his owner and met my mother. From the rumors I heard, the owners of my father watched happily while my father copulated with my mother who was a stray.Months later I was born. Unfortunately, my mother was viciously dragged away from me by the spiteful dogcatchers. I managed to run and hide myself in some bushes, where I felt my little heart break into pieces, as I silently watched them drag my mother away. Her eyes locked with mine momentarily. I feared for her as I coiled myself together and cried silently because I know, I’ll never feel those playful bites and the love of my mother again.How long could I just stay there in the shrubs all alone and hungry? I started wondering around. I walked for days, looking for food. I started digging up food from garbage bins and did not realise that I angered people by doing this. I only wish that they understood that I didn’t do it on purpose – I did it because I was hungry. One day a wicked man caught me and broke my front left paw. I watched him injure me, wondering what I did wrong. I howled in pain, I begged him to stop but it was too late. My bone could be seen, I couldn’t feel my paws anymore.I cried wondering what I did wrong. For months I suffered in pain. It’s been almost 6 months now since I injured my leg. I walk with a slight hobble. I wonder why people abuse and hurt me. They hit me because I seek shelter under their cars. I wonder why I can’t have a decent home? All I need is a roof over my head and some food. Am I asking for too much? I’ll offer you more than you can imagine. I’ll protect your house. I’ll make sure no one gets in without your permission. I won’t make much noise. And I assure you that I’ll be your faithful companion. Just give me a home, that’s all I ask for…. …all I need is a chance…and a home…”