MALAYSIAN DOGS DESERVE BETTER (MDDB) will be having an adoption drive in Klang on Sunday March 27. This time around Kota Alam Shah assemblyman M. Manoharan has generoulsy offered to host the adoption drive at his service center. More than 15 puppies and 10 adult dogs - which have all been spayed - will be up for adoption at the event. Please pass this around as some of the dogs have been with us for months. Herewith the press release:
REALISING that there are far too many dogs and puppies looking for a home, DAP’s Kota Alam Shah assemblyman M. Manoharan has stepped in once again to help canine welfare project Malaysia Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) to hold its adoption drive.
The drive held at his service centre from 11.00am to 6.00 pm on Sunday, March 27 will see about 10 dogs and 15 puppies that are in urgent need of adoption.
Manoharan’s service centre is at No 7A, Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, Klang and is located between the Klang traffic police contingent headquarters and Hin Hua High School.
The assemblyman says he will continue helping MDDB with its adoption drives in Klang because he understand the problem the organisation is facing.
“I know that there are too many puppies and dogs that are homeless and I appreciate MDDB’s efforts in finding them homes,’’ he said.
Manoharan urged members of the public to adopt rather than buy pets because this would give homes to the unfortunate puppies and dogs.
Meanwhile, MDDB adoption coordinator Christine Lai thanked Manoharan for his generosity and said she hoped more elected representatives would come forward to help with adoption drives.
“So far Manoharan, Klang MP Charles Santiago and Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng have helped us hold our adoption drives,’’ said Lai.
Lai added those wanting to make donations to MDDB and its feline welfare counterpart Malaysian Cats Care Project (MCCP) can also drop off the dog or cat food, old towels, old newspapers and dog and cat shampoo at the venue.
For details, call 019-3576477, 012-3739007 or visit: http://www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com/ or write to: malaysiandogsdeservebetter1@gmail.com or the MDDB Facebook page.
意識到有太多的狗和小狗尋找著一個家園,民主行動黨的哥打阿拉姆沙阿(Kota Alam Shah) 眾議員米馬諾哈蘭(M. Manoharan) 再次加強在狗狗福利項目,以幫助馬來西亞狗隻保護協會(MDDB)舉行領養活動。 此活動舉辦在他的服務中心,從周日上午11點到下午6點,3月27日將看到有關10只和15隻小狗,在緊急著需要領養。 馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan)! 的服務中心在No 7A, Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, Klang及位於在巴生的交警隊伍總部和顯華中學之間。 該眾議員說,他將繼續幫助馬來西亞狗隻保護協會(MDDB)推動其領養活動在巴生,因為他明白此協會正面臨的問題。 “我知道,有太多的小狗和狗,無家可歸,我很欣賞馬來西亞狗隻保護協會(MDDB)努力的在尋找它們的家園,”他說。 馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan)呼籲大家去領養寵物而不是去購買寵物,因為可以讓那些不幸的狗狗有一個家園。 同時,領養活動協調員MDDB賴小姐(Christine Lai)感謝馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan)的慷慨,和她說她希望有更多的民選代表將出面幫助流浪狗領養活動。 “到目前為止馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan),巴生(Klang) 國會議員查爾斯聖地亞哥(Charles Santiago)和Segambut國會議員林潤英幫助我們舉辦我們的流浪狗領養活動,''賴小姐說。 賴小姐還說那些善心人士想要作出捐款給該協會(MDDB)及其對應馬來西亞貓貓福利照顧計劃(MCCP)也可以捐狗或貓的食物,舊毛巾,舊報紙和狗和貓洗髮水在會場。 有關詳情,請致電
REALISING that there are far too many dogs and puppies looking for a home, DAP’s Kota Alam Shah assemblyman M. Manoharan has stepped in once again to help canine welfare project Malaysia Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) to hold its adoption drive.
The drive held at his service centre from 11.00am to 6.00 pm on Sunday, March 27 will see about 10 dogs and 15 puppies that are in urgent need of adoption.
Manoharan’s service centre is at No 7A, Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, Klang and is located between the Klang traffic police contingent headquarters and Hin Hua High School.
The assemblyman says he will continue helping MDDB with its adoption drives in Klang because he understand the problem the organisation is facing.
“I know that there are too many puppies and dogs that are homeless and I appreciate MDDB’s efforts in finding them homes,’’ he said.
Manoharan urged members of the public to adopt rather than buy pets because this would give homes to the unfortunate puppies and dogs.
Meanwhile, MDDB adoption coordinator Christine Lai thanked Manoharan for his generosity and said she hoped more elected representatives would come forward to help with adoption drives.
“So far Manoharan, Klang MP Charles Santiago and Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng have helped us hold our adoption drives,’’ said Lai.
Lai added those wanting to make donations to MDDB and its feline welfare counterpart Malaysian Cats Care Project (MCCP) can also drop off the dog or cat food, old towels, old newspapers and dog and cat shampoo at the venue.
For details, call 019-3576477, 012-3739007 or visit: http://www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com/ or write to: malaysiandogsdeservebetter1@gmail.com or the MDDB Facebook page.
意識到有太多的狗和小狗尋找著一個家園,民主行動黨的哥打阿拉姆沙阿(Kota Alam Shah) 眾議員米馬諾哈蘭(M. Manoharan) 再次加強在狗狗福利項目,以幫助馬來西亞狗隻保護協會(MDDB)舉行領養活動。 此活動舉辦在他的服務中心,從周日上午11點到下午6點,3月27日將看到有關10只和15隻小狗,在緊急著需要領養。 馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan)! 的服務中心在No 7A, Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, Klang及位於在巴生的交警隊伍總部和顯華中學之間。 該眾議員說,他將繼續幫助馬來西亞狗隻保護協會(MDDB)推動其領養活動在巴生,因為他明白此協會正面臨的問題。 “我知道,有太多的小狗和狗,無家可歸,我很欣賞馬來西亞狗隻保護協會(MDDB)努力的在尋找它們的家園,”他說。 馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan)呼籲大家去領養寵物而不是去購買寵物,因為可以讓那些不幸的狗狗有一個家園。 同時,領養活動協調員MDDB賴小姐(Christine Lai)感謝馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan)的慷慨,和她說她希望有更多的民選代表將出面幫助流浪狗領養活動。 “到目前為止馬諾哈蘭(Manoharan),巴生(Klang) 國會議員查爾斯聖地亞哥(Charles Santiago)和Segambut國會議員林潤英幫助我們舉辦我們的流浪狗領養活動,''賴小姐說。 賴小姐還說那些善心人士想要作出捐款給該協會(MDDB)及其對應馬來西亞貓貓福利照顧計劃(MCCP)也可以捐狗或貓的食物,舊毛巾,舊報紙和狗和貓洗髮水在會場。 有關詳情,請致電
019-3576477,012-3739007或訪問:http://www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com/ 或寫信至:malaysiandogsdeservebetter1@gmail.com 或MDDB Facebook頁面。