July 31st this year marks the third death anniversary of my beloved Auntie Mimi 'Qoink' Mae. She was 12 1/2 years with my humans before succumbing to cancer. Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) took root in 2008 almost a year after Auntie Qoinky died. This was because my humans had started to actively rescue and rehome in memory of Auntie Qoinky after her death. Although I was only a seven month old puppy when Auntie Qoinky died, I remember how genteel and refined she was. She allowed my mother Frilly Lily to share her home and humans when Mumsy turned-up at their doorstep as a pregnant stray in 2006. Her memorial is at
http://www.critters.com/. We remember this fine lady on the third anniversary of her death with awe and admiration. She brought us joy when she was alive and became one of the catalysts behind the formation of MDDB after her death. Auntie Mimi 'Qoink' Mae will always be missed .