Dear peeps,
its with a very sad and heavy heart that I announce the untimely death of my brother Highway who was rescued by my human about a month ago. My human and her human siblings were on the way to some boring human event when they spotted brother Highway darting across the Kesas highway. My human got off the car and called out to him and he had apparently bounded up to her with a deep woof and jumped into her arms. Since he had a severe skin disorder he was admitted at Auntie dr Kavitha's and Auntie Dr Gowri's clinic. He was healthy and active but threw up on Tuesday. he had been neutered on Monday. He threw up again the follwing day and there were also traces of blood in his stoole. this morning both the aunties found him dead in his cage. My human and i are devastated as we were both loved brother Highway who was about only a year old. My human is sad that ins spite of rescuing him from being run down by cars at the busy highway, brother Highway did not make it. Please say a prayer for brother Highway.
Yours in mourning,
SPS and the rest