Friday, December 24, 2010
The directors of Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII), that had kindly launched the MDDB and MCCP projects for us, have sent us a directive to either disable or moderate the comments column. They have stated in a strongly worded letter that we are stupid to allow people to openly sabotage us. We have managed to convince them not to disable the comments and they have agreed provided that we moderate them. Given this and the fact that we depend on CDII to provide us a legal platform to do our rescue work - we have no other choice but to comply. However, we will set-up a separate blog where our critics as well as supporters can post open unmoderated comments as we believe in freedom of expression. That blog will be given another name and no mention of CDII will me made on it. Those who want to comment can also do so on our Facebook page. The Hatchet person has also taken on to impersonating us on the dialogue box and saying nasty things to people who have posted there. Their first victim is Littlelit who informed us of an accident victim. These morons, who have no compassion for animals, will try everything they can think off to sabotage us. It will not work. However, we urge you to call any one of the three numbers stated on the blog interface in the event there is an emergency.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Dear people,
we are in desperate need of fosterers due to the large number of dogs under our care. To make matters worse there aren't any more adoption drives this month but the rescues have increased. Here are some of the dogs and puppies that need temporary fosterers.

We found this dog when she was heavily pregnant and she has since given birth and her pups are about two months old. The pups are all healthy and have been vaccinated. The mum dog has also been vaccinated and neutered. We are hoping that some kind sould will take in this mum and her pups until our next adoption drive next month.
Looking for a home
we are in desperate need of fosterers due to the large number of dogs under our care. To make matters worse there aren't any more adoption drives this month but the rescues have increased. Here are some of the dogs and puppies that need temporary fosterers.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
We must certainly be doing it right

Dear people,
a major attempt on a hatchet job against us is underway. Going by the desperation of the culprit/s, we deduce that we are seen as a big thorn on the sides of certain people. These pro-euthanasia individuals have said many incriminating things behind several ridiculous pseudonyms. Finally, when nothing worked to intimidate us, they posted the details of another group thinking that this will divert our donors. We urge those helping us to also help this group as they are also doing what we do - helping the strays. To the hatchet person, we have just this to say - YOU CANNOT STOP US FROM OUR RESCUE WORK AND EFFORTS TO ENFORCE TNRM. If you think you can tarnish our reputation and stop people helping us from helping the dogs and cats, you are wrong. We are here to stay and will continue to do what we do as well as continue to lambaste all attempts to derail our TNRM project. Shame on you, whoever you are! Why are you working so hard towards ensuring that the local councils continued catching dogs and putting them to sleep? If we are seen as a thorn on the sides of the local councils due to our expose of the Klang and Selayang pound fiasco through our blog - we are happy because this means we have done our jobs well. Other rescue groups have either disabled or moderated their comments section because of the same attack. But we will continue to allow you to unleash your venom in the name of freedom of expression. We also want to know if Hatchet person ie expecting us to cease operations because of the attacks? If this happens is Hatchet person expecting the dozens of dogs cats, puppies and kittens in our care to be dumped along with our TNRM project? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Finally, please accept this little Yuletide message from us Hatchet person.SOD OFF AND GO GET A LIFE!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fosterers urgently needed
Another accident victim

We received a frantic call from an auntie who lives in Jalan Pahang last weekend. Apparently she had come across a dog lying near some undergrowth which could not move much. She was told by people around the area that the dog was hit by a car more than two weeks ago and had been just lying there. However, some people had been feeding the dog which also had a huge maggot wound on its chest. We called our rescuer friend in that area and he spent the whole of Sat trying to carry the snappy dog into his car. He went back the following morning with a vet's assistant and doped the dog before taking it to the vet. The dog has been treated and also castrated. The vet says there is no spinal injury and the dog is not able to move probably because of soft tissue injury which will heal with rest. We have admitted him to the clinic and are happy that the auntie will adopt him. We are glad that the dog will have a home once its discharged from the clinic. We hope there will be others who will also adopt or the least foster the dogs or puppies we help them rescue. Anyway, the Dog has been named Lucky and anyone interested in sponsoring his treatment can call 019-3576477 or 012-3739007.
Dear friends,
It’s the end of the year and we have to settle our outstanding amount with our panel vets. As usual, we are dependent on your generosity and are hoping that you will help us out. The last few months have been very difficult due to the many accident cases that had come our way. Puppies and dogs have also been literally showering on us and we have spent quite a big amount vaccinating and neutering them. Please help us help the voiceless.
Donations can be made via cheques in favour of:
Community Development and Integration Initiative
and mail it to:
c/o No 48, Jalan Jeriji U8/75C, Bukit Jelutong, 40150, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Or bank into:
Community Development and Integration Initiative Bhd (654290-T)
Public Bank Account Number: 3151793708.
Cheques can also be made out directly to our vets:
1. Thomas Animal Clinic & Pet Corner
2. Brickfields Veterinary Medical Center
3. Bandar Puteri Veterinary Clinic & Surgery
4. Klinik Veterinar Healing Rooms
5. Klinik Haiwan & Surgeri Tmn Chi Liung
Details: 019-3576477, 012-3739007, 017-2081844
It’s the end of the year and we have to settle our outstanding amount with our panel vets. As usual, we are dependent on your generosity and are hoping that you will help us out. The last few months have been very difficult due to the many accident cases that had come our way. Puppies and dogs have also been literally showering on us and we have spent quite a big amount vaccinating and neutering them. Please help us help the voiceless.
Donations can be made via cheques in favour of:
Community Development and Integration Initiative
and mail it to:
c/o No 48, Jalan Jeriji U8/75C, Bukit Jelutong, 40150, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Or bank into:
Community Development and Integration Initiative Bhd (654290-T)
Public Bank Account Number: 3151793708.
Cheques can also be made out directly to our vets:
1. Thomas Animal Clinic & Pet Corner
2. Brickfields Veterinary Medical Center
3. Bandar Puteri Veterinary Clinic & Surgery
4. Klinik Veterinar Healing Rooms
5. Klinik Haiwan & Surgeri Tmn Chi Liung
Details: 019-3576477, 012-3739007, 017-2081844
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Fosterer/Adopter urgently needed

This is Qwang Boy and he was rescued by one of our friends in Klang. Qwang is three legged and at the time of his rescue had severe mange and the pad of one of his paws were actually loose. He was given treatment at one of our panel clinics and fostered by our friend for a while. He is now back with us and boarding at one of our panel clinics. We think Qwang is at least 6. He is a lovable doggie and we hope that someone will come forward to foster or better still adopt him. Those who want to give Qwang Boy a second chance in life - please call 019-3576477 or email
A friend emailed this to us and we think it warrants a response.
From "Can Pet Rescuers Take Dogs In If Local Councils Can't?" (Sunday, December 12, 2010):
Erin Yap said...
It amazing what some animal activists would do for attention!
MDDB: Yeah, you are right. We don’t believe in gaining attention on ourselves as well and that’s why we do not mention our names or post our photos. For us MDDB is all about only the animals we rescue and not about us.
Looking at the obvious, the Majlis Perbandaran Klang is reponsible for the catching and putting to sleep strays that are caught. This is a very common practice in numerous countries as well.
MDDB: We are against this. It is also becoming very common in many countries to implement the TNRM method instead of culling. We want to move towards that direction as there would be better efficacy in countering the growth of the stray population with TNRM.
What was so wrong about Mr. Anthony SB Thanasayan of Petpositive asking the DVS to continue giving euthanasia assistance to the council?
MDDB: Anthony does not work with strays nor is Petpositive a rescue group. They do not know the dynamics of the stray population nor do they have the passion that rescue groups and their members have towards the welfare of strays. We would rather the DVS is asked to help the councils implement the TNRM.
(Good job by the way!) What would be the alternative if he didn't? Inhumane euthanasia procedures by an inexperienced staff or OVERCROWDING!
And isn't overcrowding also an animal welfare issue? If I'm not mistaken, the writer of the the animal group's blog has also made statements in the past about overcrowding issues and even stated that they were happy that additional cages were sent to the MPK pound to prevent overcrowding?
MDDB: We also stated that the pounds were overcrowded because the councils are on a rampage. In Klang for instance, it has become a norm for them to go on a rampage after working hours to get overtime payments. The pounds are also overcrowded because pets are also forcibly removed and taken to the pounds.
So try as I may, I cannot fathom the logic of some animal activists.
MDDB: Just because we said we were glad there were extra cages does not mean we condone euthanasia. Please use some logical thinking.
The writing of that piece of utter rubbish in their blog seems to me like a ploy to garner support in their fundraising endeavours and to undermine the efforts of others.
MDDB: Show us where we have criticized independent rescue groups in our blog? We reiterate that Anthony Thanasayan and Petpositive have nothing to do with the rescue and management of strays and therefore have no business calling for the culling of the strays. Yes, we need funds and support but bear in mind that some of us in MDDB need to just put our faces and names in the posts to make to garner support and obtain financing for this project. This is because of who we are and the contacts we have. But we do not do that because we do not want to sidetrack the fact that MDDB is all about the strays and should not be turned into a platform which glorifies us.
The author of that blog even goes so far as to question if the DVS vet had handled the dog cruelly or roughly and had stated as a fact that they knew that the pound workers drag the dogs by the neck with their nooses and smash them around as if they themselves had witnessed the event.
MDDB: Yes, we have indeed witnessed it in the pound. We have them dragging and smashing dogs against the wall.
The question is, does anyone in that animal group have any experience in handling fierce behavioured strays?
MDDB: And you think we don’t? How do you think the stray accident victims react when we first rescue them?
Even the world-renowned dog behavior specialist, CESAR MILAN gets bitten once in a while.
MDDB: And you are saying that the vet and pound workers may have not brutalized the dog given your misplaced analogy?
This obviously proves beyond a reasonable doubt that animal group has no expertise whatsoever and does not have an inkling on the true stray related issues at hand!
MDDB: What proves beyond a reasonable doubt? You have not stated any supporting facts to back your ridiculous statement. We deal with strays and if that does not give us hands on experience – what does?
My suggestion for them, if they are really so concerned for the strays that are caught by the MPK is to write in to the council in order to make a fixed monthly commitment to adopt the strays there instead of so called rescuing strays on their own.
MDDB: Read our blog! We have taken from the MPK pound.
This will also save them and the MPK a lot of time and effort!
MDDB: This is the kind of argument that comes from those who have no inkling what rescue groups do and deal with.
Erin Yap - Klang
From "Can Pet Rescuers Take Dogs In If Local Councils Can't?" (Sunday, December 12, 2010):
Erin Yap said...
It amazing what some animal activists would do for attention!
MDDB: Yeah, you are right. We don’t believe in gaining attention on ourselves as well and that’s why we do not mention our names or post our photos. For us MDDB is all about only the animals we rescue and not about us.
Looking at the obvious, the Majlis Perbandaran Klang is reponsible for the catching and putting to sleep strays that are caught. This is a very common practice in numerous countries as well.
MDDB: We are against this. It is also becoming very common in many countries to implement the TNRM method instead of culling. We want to move towards that direction as there would be better efficacy in countering the growth of the stray population with TNRM.
What was so wrong about Mr. Anthony SB Thanasayan of Petpositive asking the DVS to continue giving euthanasia assistance to the council?
MDDB: Anthony does not work with strays nor is Petpositive a rescue group. They do not know the dynamics of the stray population nor do they have the passion that rescue groups and their members have towards the welfare of strays. We would rather the DVS is asked to help the councils implement the TNRM.
(Good job by the way!) What would be the alternative if he didn't? Inhumane euthanasia procedures by an inexperienced staff or OVERCROWDING!
And isn't overcrowding also an animal welfare issue? If I'm not mistaken, the writer of the the animal group's blog has also made statements in the past about overcrowding issues and even stated that they were happy that additional cages were sent to the MPK pound to prevent overcrowding?
MDDB: We also stated that the pounds were overcrowded because the councils are on a rampage. In Klang for instance, it has become a norm for them to go on a rampage after working hours to get overtime payments. The pounds are also overcrowded because pets are also forcibly removed and taken to the pounds.
So try as I may, I cannot fathom the logic of some animal activists.
MDDB: Just because we said we were glad there were extra cages does not mean we condone euthanasia. Please use some logical thinking.
The writing of that piece of utter rubbish in their blog seems to me like a ploy to garner support in their fundraising endeavours and to undermine the efforts of others.
MDDB: Show us where we have criticized independent rescue groups in our blog? We reiterate that Anthony Thanasayan and Petpositive have nothing to do with the rescue and management of strays and therefore have no business calling for the culling of the strays. Yes, we need funds and support but bear in mind that some of us in MDDB need to just put our faces and names in the posts to make to garner support and obtain financing for this project. This is because of who we are and the contacts we have. But we do not do that because we do not want to sidetrack the fact that MDDB is all about the strays and should not be turned into a platform which glorifies us.
The author of that blog even goes so far as to question if the DVS vet had handled the dog cruelly or roughly and had stated as a fact that they knew that the pound workers drag the dogs by the neck with their nooses and smash them around as if they themselves had witnessed the event.
MDDB: Yes, we have indeed witnessed it in the pound. We have them dragging and smashing dogs against the wall.
The question is, does anyone in that animal group have any experience in handling fierce behavioured strays?
MDDB: And you think we don’t? How do you think the stray accident victims react when we first rescue them?
Even the world-renowned dog behavior specialist, CESAR MILAN gets bitten once in a while.
MDDB: And you are saying that the vet and pound workers may have not brutalized the dog given your misplaced analogy?
This obviously proves beyond a reasonable doubt that animal group has no expertise whatsoever and does not have an inkling on the true stray related issues at hand!
MDDB: What proves beyond a reasonable doubt? You have not stated any supporting facts to back your ridiculous statement. We deal with strays and if that does not give us hands on experience – what does?
My suggestion for them, if they are really so concerned for the strays that are caught by the MPK is to write in to the council in order to make a fixed monthly commitment to adopt the strays there instead of so called rescuing strays on their own.
MDDB: Read our blog! We have taken from the MPK pound.
This will also save them and the MPK a lot of time and effort!
MDDB: This is the kind of argument that comes from those who have no inkling what rescue groups do and deal with.
Erin Yap - Klang
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