Our friends Evelyn and Jo went to the Selayang Municipal council pound this morning with cooked food, kibbles and canned food for the dogs. They stood for almost an hour outside the locked gate with no one coming to talk to them even though there were nine people inside the pound. However, several MPS people arrived at the scene and started taking pictures of the girls and keeping an eye on them. This can be perceived as intimidation. Evelyn and Jo did not give-up and stood there until some pound workers came out to take the food form them. They were not allowed in. When Evelyn asked what happens if dog owners came to take their dogs out, she was told that they would have to go to the office (open only during weekdays) to get a letter to come into the pound and once they have found their dog, they would have to travel miles again back to the office to pay the compound before taking their dog back home. Why is MPS making it difficult for owners and rescuers to take dogs out? Does it give them perverted satisfaction to see these poor animals dead rather than helping them to live? Anyway, some useless goons are accusing us of highlighting this to get money from the public. How much sicker can they get? We are not bums trying to make a fast buck from championing this cause. We are all gainfully employed professionals who cannot handle seeing animals suffer. Yes, we are dependant on public donations - how are we expected to pay the thousands of ringgit we currently owe several veterinary clinics without public help. Ironically these goons receive at least 50 times more in donations than us but do nothing at all for stray animals.. To these evil beings - all MDDB has to say is: STOP TRYING TO SABOTAGE THE CHANGE WE ARE TRYING TO INITIATE AT THE LOCAL COUNCIL POUNDS . YOU HAVE TARNISHED YOUR CREDIBILITY - DON'T MAKE IT WORSE. Btw we spoke to some dog catchers earlier in the day and they told us that the Selayang Pound is horrendous. They said the main reason behind this sad state of affairs is a tall woman. Could that be Ernie 013-6064446?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Animal pounds ordered to clean up their act
by Meena L. Ramadas
SUBANG JAYA (March 2, 2010): The Selangor government has instructed all municipal councils to “clean up their act” concerning the management of animal pounds.
State executive councillor for health, estate workers' affairs, poverty eradication and caring government Dr Xavier Jayakumar said today all municipal councils have been told to maintain the cleanliness of the pounds, work with the Veterinary Services Department under the Agriculture Ministry and that officers have to treat sick animals and follow guidelines on euthanising them.
He said the recent spate of media reports on the poor condition of local council pounds had resulted in checks made to the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS), Klang Municipal Council (MPK) and Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) pounds.
“The reports about the MPK pound was found to be not true,” he said, after launching a workshop organised by Canine Advisory Team (CAT) on the management of stray animals and pets in Selangor at the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ).
“As far as MPS is concerned, we have informed the health section of the council to make the necessary changes,” he said.
A blog posting revealed that a dozen dogs had died in the MPS pound over the last one week due to mismanagement and slacking of caretaking duties.
Jayakumar said the state is working to streamline animal licensing guidelines across municipal and city councils.
He said the licensing guidelines vary across councils and the state intends to create a uniform set of guidelines to be practised by all councils.
“We are looking into the differences among the councils’ guidelines and we will consider all sensitivities,” he added.
He said the guidelines have been in place for a significant amount of time under the Local Government Act and changes take “a bit of time”.
Jayakumar said the state is also studying total procedural matters concerning the way in which animals are treated in municipal council pounds after receiving complaints on the management of pounds and animals.
He said the public should expect more information soon about a centralised pound to be established by the state.
Jayakumar said the facility requires at least two hectares and the only available land is in Sepang.
“I have plans for it and I have also spoken to consultants on ways to establish a environmentally-friendly facility,” he said.
“I am thinking about hiring veterinarian officers and veterinarian animal assistants as well as members of non-governmental organisations to educate owners on pet management.”
Meanwhile, the forum organised by CAT yielded five recommendations: local councils to work together with the veterinary department and officers, local councils to cooperate with NGOs on catching strays, microchipping for easy ownership identification, educating pet owners and more stringent licensing laws.
A total of 12 local councils participated in the forum. -- theSun
by Meena L. Ramadas
SUBANG JAYA (March 2, 2010): The Selangor government has instructed all municipal councils to “clean up their act” concerning the management of animal pounds.
State executive councillor for health, estate workers' affairs, poverty eradication and caring government Dr Xavier Jayakumar said today all municipal councils have been told to maintain the cleanliness of the pounds, work with the Veterinary Services Department under the Agriculture Ministry and that officers have to treat sick animals and follow guidelines on euthanising them.
He said the recent spate of media reports on the poor condition of local council pounds had resulted in checks made to the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS), Klang Municipal Council (MPK) and Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) pounds.
“The reports about the MPK pound was found to be not true,” he said, after launching a workshop organised by Canine Advisory Team (CAT) on the management of stray animals and pets in Selangor at the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ).
“As far as MPS is concerned, we have informed the health section of the council to make the necessary changes,” he said.
A blog posting revealed that a dozen dogs had died in the MPS pound over the last one week due to mismanagement and slacking of caretaking duties.
Jayakumar said the state is working to streamline animal licensing guidelines across municipal and city councils.
He said the licensing guidelines vary across councils and the state intends to create a uniform set of guidelines to be practised by all councils.
“We are looking into the differences among the councils’ guidelines and we will consider all sensitivities,” he added.
He said the guidelines have been in place for a significant amount of time under the Local Government Act and changes take “a bit of time”.
Jayakumar said the state is also studying total procedural matters concerning the way in which animals are treated in municipal council pounds after receiving complaints on the management of pounds and animals.
He said the public should expect more information soon about a centralised pound to be established by the state.
Jayakumar said the facility requires at least two hectares and the only available land is in Sepang.
“I have plans for it and I have also spoken to consultants on ways to establish a environmentally-friendly facility,” he said.
“I am thinking about hiring veterinarian officers and veterinarian animal assistants as well as members of non-governmental organisations to educate owners on pet management.”
Meanwhile, the forum organised by CAT yielded five recommendations: local councils to work together with the veterinary department and officers, local councils to cooperate with NGOs on catching strays, microchipping for easy ownership identification, educating pet owners and more stringent licensing laws.
A total of 12 local councils participated in the forum. -- theSun
Councils and animal welfare groups must work together
Yia Zhi Jern and Stephanie Augustin
RAWANG (March 2, 2010): A non-governmental organisation (NGO) wants greater cooperation between animal welfare groups and local councils in dealing with the alleged mismanagement of pounds.
Malaysian Animal-Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association (Petpositive) and Canine Advisory Team (CAT) president Anthony Thanasayan said both parties have to work together to ensure animal welfare.
He was responding to the recent case of alleged mistreatment of dogs at the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) pound in Rawang.
The case came to light when the NGO, Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB), posted eyewitness accounts and photos on its blog on Feb 21. The photographs of dog carcasses, diseased dogs and tick-infested kennels outraged many animal lovers.
Following this, several other parties, including the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), MPS councillor Gunarajah George, and Petpositive's Thanasayan, who is also Petaling Jaya city councillor, visited the pound.
"It is not true that the pound is a hellhole. I’ve been to the pound and the dogs had food and clean water. I don’t know what happened before but today it looked okay," said Thanasayan who visited the pound on Feb 24.
However, he admits there could be negligence. "They have probably 60% knowledge required to look after the pound. The caretaker, who has come under fire, is actually knowledgeable in pound management as she attends CAT meetings on dog care," he added.
Thanasayan believes in engaging the council instead of hurling accusations at them.
"Clearly MPS needs help – they have admitted so. The council has immediately implemented some of the guidelines we submitted to them while some others will start in a month," said Thanasayan.
Some of the guidelines the council has decided to implement immediately include not entering compounds during operations, to stop catching puppies and unlicensed but collared dogs.
He said MPS Director of Health and Licensing Dr Razif Zainol Abidin had told him the pound would put in place measures to improve the situation within the next month.
These measures include separating strays and pets, looking into nutrition and canine healthcare, as well as euthanising strays.
Gunarajah, when contacted, said MPS will also form a committee involving representatives from the Health Department, MPS, Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), Petpositive, MDDB and SPCA to monitor the pound.
Meanwhile, MPS and DVS have both launched separate inquiries into the Selayang pound situation. -- theSun
Monday, March 1, 2010
Tuesday March 2, 2010
Dogs in misery
THE Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) is facing the heat over its dog pound.
News of the terrible condition of the pound and the dogs housed there has spread and many animal lovers are aghast.
The pound is definitely not fit to house the animals.
Fenced up: The Selayang dog pound.
Caretakers have been neglecting their duties and have left the animals to suffer.
Since Monday, volunteers from various non-governmental organisations have visited the pound to do what they can for the dogs.
They brought items like food, bowls and brooms.
A spokesman from canine welfare project Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) said some of the dogs had already starved to death.
“They don’t feed the dogs properly or the right food. At some cells, plain rice is simply thrown in.
“The drinking water is kept in big old pails but the puppies are too small to reach the top and drink,” she added.
The spokesman also added that MPS staff had even gone to the extent of catching a dog in the toilet of a shop owned by the storekeeper.
“The staff said that according to the local authority’s by-laws, they can either compound the owner or seize the dog. They chose to seize the dog on the spot.
“When asked the reason for taking the dog away, the staff said that it ws because the owner could not afford to pay the fine of RM1,000.”
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Selangor honorary chairman Christine Chin said the council had refused help extended by them.
“The council has a heartless and arrogant attitude. We want to provide food and disinfectant for the dogs in their pound but we have been rejected many times. We are not even allowed to see the pound.”
“The pound should be deloused and the cages disinfected daily. No dog should die of tick fever while in the pound and if they do die, it shows how ignorant the staff at the pound are in taking care of the animals.”
At a meeting between MPS and concerned non-governmental organisations, MPS councillor Gunarajah R. George said the method of rounding up strays in the future had been agreed upon.
“Workers from the pound are not allowed to seize dogs immediately. Instead, they have to issue a notice to the owner first.”
The staff were also not allowed to enter the owner’s premises without permission to seize an animal, said Gunarajah.
“If the animal has no licence, a compound would be issued and the owner advised to obtain the licence.”
“Food, water and the cleanliness of the cage will also be looked into,” he said.
MDDB and the SPCA urged the authorities to adopt the stray catching methods from Singapore and Indonesia where the animals are vaccinated and spayed.
Tuesday March 2, 2010
Dogs in misery
THE Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) is facing the heat over its dog pound.
News of the terrible condition of the pound and the dogs housed there has spread and many animal lovers are aghast.
The pound is definitely not fit to house the animals.
Fenced up: The Selayang dog pound.
Caretakers have been neglecting their duties and have left the animals to suffer.
Since Monday, volunteers from various non-governmental organisations have visited the pound to do what they can for the dogs.
They brought items like food, bowls and brooms.
A spokesman from canine welfare project Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) said some of the dogs had already starved to death.
“They don’t feed the dogs properly or the right food. At some cells, plain rice is simply thrown in.
“The drinking water is kept in big old pails but the puppies are too small to reach the top and drink,” she added.
The spokesman also added that MPS staff had even gone to the extent of catching a dog in the toilet of a shop owned by the storekeeper.
“The staff said that according to the local authority’s by-laws, they can either compound the owner or seize the dog. They chose to seize the dog on the spot.
“When asked the reason for taking the dog away, the staff said that it ws because the owner could not afford to pay the fine of RM1,000.”
The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Selangor honorary chairman Christine Chin said the council had refused help extended by them.
“The council has a heartless and arrogant attitude. We want to provide food and disinfectant for the dogs in their pound but we have been rejected many times. We are not even allowed to see the pound.”
“The pound should be deloused and the cages disinfected daily. No dog should die of tick fever while in the pound and if they do die, it shows how ignorant the staff at the pound are in taking care of the animals.”
At a meeting between MPS and concerned non-governmental organisations, MPS councillor Gunarajah R. George said the method of rounding up strays in the future had been agreed upon.
“Workers from the pound are not allowed to seize dogs immediately. Instead, they have to issue a notice to the owner first.”
The staff were also not allowed to enter the owner’s premises without permission to seize an animal, said Gunarajah.
“If the animal has no licence, a compound would be issued and the owner advised to obtain the licence.”
“Food, water and the cleanliness of the cage will also be looked into,” he said.
MDDB and the SPCA urged the authorities to adopt the stray catching methods from Singapore and Indonesia where the animals are vaccinated and spayed.
Cruel treatment unacceptable
This photograph was taken by the SPCA team during their visit to the pound.
By Nuradzimmah Daim
SELAYANG: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (SPCA Selangor) is claiming that about a dozen dogs died last week because of gross mismanagement at the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) dog pound in Rawang.
The shocking revelation was published on the society's website and emailed to the media.
SPCA Selangor's public relations manager, Jacinta Johnson, said an animal rescuer had visited the pound in Taman Rawang Integrated on Feb 21, and reported that the dogs appeared not to have been given water.
"She brought back five emaciated puppies, one of which was dying. The SPCA veterinarians had to euthanise the puppies because of their severe condition. The bodies were sent for a post-mortem at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) the next day," she said.
Johnson said the SPCA then contacted the MPS director of health and licensing, Dr Razif Zainol Abidin, on Feb 22 with offers of dog food and help to improve conditions at the pound.
"However, Dr Razif declined the offers, saying that the MPS had food and did not need help with the pound."
She said SPCA inspectors and veterinarian also visited the pound but were denied entry.
"The caretaker refused to let them in as he did not want to get into any trouble with the management. After some coaxing, he allowed them in for a brief look around but warned them not to take any photos.
SPCA Selangor veterinarian Dr Karen Koh, who was one of the visitors, said they observed that the floor had been washed but there was no evidence that the kennels were regularly disinfected to prevent the spread of diseases such as distemper, parvovirus, and tick-fever.
They also saw four dogs in one kennel which looked ill and emaciated.
SPCA Selangor animal inspector Cunera Kimlon said since medical care for the dogs was beyond the means of the council, it should euthanise the severely injured and sick dogs instead of leaving them to suffer for days.
Johnson said there were approximately 20 dogs and puppies in the kennels and only half appeared to be in reasonable health.
She said the kennels and dogs were infested with ticks
"Volunteers from animal rescue groups Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better and AnimalCare had brought containers for food and water as well as bags of dog food earlier, and fed and watered the dogs."
Johnson said the SPCA team made a second visit last Wednesday morning and inspected the kennels and took photographs. The sickly dogs spotted two days ago were no longer around.
They found all the puppies placed together in one kennel, while the adults were housed two or three to a kennel. Food and water placed by animal rescuers were still there. Two dogs were found dead -- a brown mix-breed dog and a black Spitz-mix in a red collar.
SPCA Selangor chairman Christine Chin claimed that the society was invited for a meeting with MPS to discuss ways to improve the pound's conditions but the invitation was revoked after their visits to the pound.
Chin said SPCA Selangor was pressing for the closure of pounds that do not have proper and humane management, and condemned the ones that reject aid from animal welfare groups.
"This withholding of food, water, and medical attention causing unnecessary pain, suffering and death is tantamount to cruelty to animals. MPS officials managing the pound must be charged for cruelty to animals under Section 43 of The Animal Act 1953 (revised 2006).
"The Department of Veterinary Services must take strong action against the perpetrators as the offence is widespread.
"We are shocked at the conditions at the Selayang pound, and we are sending out a strong message that SPCA Selangor and Malaysians find the inhumane treatment of those dogs completely unacceptable," said Chin.
This is not the first time MPS has come under fire. In 2007, the council was criticised for organising a dog-catching competition, which was later cancelled.
Over the years, SPCA Selangor had also lobbied the department on its dog-catching activities and management of council pounds.
Chin said although the Department of Veterinary Services had issued the "Guidelines for Humane Stray Management for Local Councils" to all municipal councils last year, few improvements had been made.

By Nuradzimmah Daim
SELAYANG: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (SPCA Selangor) is claiming that about a dozen dogs died last week because of gross mismanagement at the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) dog pound in Rawang.
The shocking revelation was published on the society's website and emailed to the media.
SPCA Selangor's public relations manager, Jacinta Johnson, said an animal rescuer had visited the pound in Taman Rawang Integrated on Feb 21, and reported that the dogs appeared not to have been given water.
"She brought back five emaciated puppies, one of which was dying. The SPCA veterinarians had to euthanise the puppies because of their severe condition. The bodies were sent for a post-mortem at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) the next day," she said.
Johnson said the SPCA then contacted the MPS director of health and licensing, Dr Razif Zainol Abidin, on Feb 22 with offers of dog food and help to improve conditions at the pound.
"However, Dr Razif declined the offers, saying that the MPS had food and did not need help with the pound."
She said SPCA inspectors and veterinarian also visited the pound but were denied entry.
"The caretaker refused to let them in as he did not want to get into any trouble with the management. After some coaxing, he allowed them in for a brief look around but warned them not to take any photos.
SPCA Selangor veterinarian Dr Karen Koh, who was one of the visitors, said they observed that the floor had been washed but there was no evidence that the kennels were regularly disinfected to prevent the spread of diseases such as distemper, parvovirus, and tick-fever.
They also saw four dogs in one kennel which looked ill and emaciated.
SPCA Selangor animal inspector Cunera Kimlon said since medical care for the dogs was beyond the means of the council, it should euthanise the severely injured and sick dogs instead of leaving them to suffer for days.
Johnson said there were approximately 20 dogs and puppies in the kennels and only half appeared to be in reasonable health.
She said the kennels and dogs were infested with ticks
"Volunteers from animal rescue groups Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better and AnimalCare had brought containers for food and water as well as bags of dog food earlier, and fed and watered the dogs."
Johnson said the SPCA team made a second visit last Wednesday morning and inspected the kennels and took photographs. The sickly dogs spotted two days ago were no longer around.
They found all the puppies placed together in one kennel, while the adults were housed two or three to a kennel. Food and water placed by animal rescuers were still there. Two dogs were found dead -- a brown mix-breed dog and a black Spitz-mix in a red collar.
SPCA Selangor chairman Christine Chin claimed that the society was invited for a meeting with MPS to discuss ways to improve the pound's conditions but the invitation was revoked after their visits to the pound.
Chin said SPCA Selangor was pressing for the closure of pounds that do not have proper and humane management, and condemned the ones that reject aid from animal welfare groups.
"This withholding of food, water, and medical attention causing unnecessary pain, suffering and death is tantamount to cruelty to animals. MPS officials managing the pound must be charged for cruelty to animals under Section 43 of The Animal Act 1953 (revised 2006).
"The Department of Veterinary Services must take strong action against the perpetrators as the offence is widespread.
"We are shocked at the conditions at the Selayang pound, and we are sending out a strong message that SPCA Selangor and Malaysians find the inhumane treatment of those dogs completely unacceptable," said Chin.
This is not the first time MPS has come under fire. In 2007, the council was criticised for organising a dog-catching competition, which was later cancelled.
Over the years, SPCA Selangor had also lobbied the department on its dog-catching activities and management of council pounds.
Chin said although the Department of Veterinary Services had issued the "Guidelines for Humane Stray Management for Local Councils" to all municipal councils last year, few improvements had been made.
Selayang Pound: SPCA Selangor urges DVS to Prosecute
Two dogs lie dead in the MPS Pound on Wednesday morning
25 FEBRUARY 2010, SELAYANG – Visits by the Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals (SPCA Selangor) and animal rescuers to the Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS) dog pound in Rawang in the last few days have revealed that the pound is grossly mismanaged, and that almost a dozen dogs have died in the pound since Sunday.
On Sunday, an animal rescuer visited the pound and reported that it appeared the dogs were not being fed or watered. She brought back 5 emaciated puppies, one of which was dying already. The SPCA vets had to euthanise the puppies due to their severe condition, and sent them for a post-mortem at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) on Monday morning.
SPCA’s help declined
SPCA contacted MPS Director of Health and Licensing Dr. Razif Zainol Abidin on Monday morning, offering a supply of dog food and assistance with improving conditions at the pound. However, Dr Razif declined the offers, saying that the MPS had food and did not need help with the pound.
Later on Monday, the SPCA Selangor Inspectors and vet went to the pound, but were denied access to the pound. The caretaker refused to let them in, as he did not want to get into any trouble with the management. However, after some coaxing he allowed them to go in briefly to look around – but warned them not to take any photos. There were approximately 20 dogs and puppies in the kennels, only half of which appeared to be in reasonable health. The kennels and dogs were heavily infested with ticks. Volunteers from animal rescue groups Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better and AnimalCare had brought food and water containers, and bags of dog food earlier and had fed and watered the dogs.
“Though the floor had been washed down, there was no evidence that the kennels were disinfected regularly to prevent the spread of prevailing diseases in the pound like distemper, parvovirus, and tick-fever,” says SPCA Selangor Veterinarian Dr Karen Koh. There were four dogs in one kennel that looked very ill and emaciated. “Since providing medical care for the dogs is beyond the means of the council, they must ensure that dogs that are severely injured or ill are euthanized by a vet promptly, and not left suffering in these enclosures for days,” says SPCA Selangor Animal Inspector Cunera Kimlon.
A second visit was made early Wednesday morning. The gate to the pound was open, and the SPCA team began inspecting the kennels again and taking photographs. The sickly dogs that were seen two days earlier were no longer around. All the puppies had been placed together in one kennel, while the neighbouring kennels housed 2-3 adult dogs each. Food and water placed by animal rescuers was still there. Two dogs were found dead, a brown mix-breed dog and a black Spitz-mix wearing a red collar.
“We were invited to a meeting with Majlis Perbandaran Selayang, to discuss how to immediately improve this miserable situation the pound dogs are facing, but this invitation was immediately revoked upon them learning of our pound visit on Wednesday morning,” says SPCA Selangor Chairman Christine Chin. “However, we are still keen on teaching them how to manage their pound better in the short-term and long-term – if they are willing to accept our help. Municipals should be encouraging animal loving constituents to help at the pound, not chasing them out,” she continues.
Council in the spotlight again
In 2007, MPS incurred the wrath of dog-lovers all over the world when they decided to initiate a financially rewarding dog-catching competition inviting the public to participate in what looked like ‘fun-filled festivity’ to reduce the stray population. The competition was quickly scrapped after protests from animal welfare NGOs and the public. Animal welfare NGOs have always highlighted that reducing the stray population requires a long-term strategy - low-cost spay/neuter programs, public awareness campaigns, proper licensing and effective legislation discouraging abandonment of pets or allowing them to stray in their neighbourhood.
SPCA pressures for prosecution
SPCA Selangor has over the years lobbied the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) to regulate and monitor dog-catching activities and the management of council pounds. Last year, the DVS issued the ‘Guidelines for Humane Stray Management for Local Councils’ to all Malaysian municipal councils, but few improvements have been made by the councils – with even basic needs such as food, water and a clean environment often not provided for the dogs.
“SPCA Selangor is pressing for a closure of all pounds that are not managed humanely, and strongly condemns those that reject help from animal welfare groups. This withholding of food, water, and medical attention causing unnecessary pain, suffering and death to the impounded dogs is tantamount to cruelty to animals. MPS officials in charge of the pound management must be charged for cruelty to animals under Section 43 of The Animal Act 1953(revised 2006). The DVS must take strong action against these perpetrators as this offense is so widespread – municipal councils feel the law will never catch them as they have been getting away with it for years,” Chin urges.
‘We are shocked and disappointed with the conditions at the Selayang pound, and we are sending out a strong message that SPCA Selangor and fellow Malaysians find the inhumane treatment of these dogs completely unacceptable,” she continues.
Two dogs lie dead in the MPS Pound on Wednesday morning
25 FEBRUARY 2010, SELAYANG – Visits by the Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals (SPCA Selangor) and animal rescuers to the Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS) dog pound in Rawang in the last few days have revealed that the pound is grossly mismanaged, and that almost a dozen dogs have died in the pound since Sunday.
On Sunday, an animal rescuer visited the pound and reported that it appeared the dogs were not being fed or watered. She brought back 5 emaciated puppies, one of which was dying already. The SPCA vets had to euthanise the puppies due to their severe condition, and sent them for a post-mortem at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) on Monday morning.
SPCA’s help declined
SPCA contacted MPS Director of Health and Licensing Dr. Razif Zainol Abidin on Monday morning, offering a supply of dog food and assistance with improving conditions at the pound. However, Dr Razif declined the offers, saying that the MPS had food and did not need help with the pound.
Later on Monday, the SPCA Selangor Inspectors and vet went to the pound, but were denied access to the pound. The caretaker refused to let them in, as he did not want to get into any trouble with the management. However, after some coaxing he allowed them to go in briefly to look around – but warned them not to take any photos. There were approximately 20 dogs and puppies in the kennels, only half of which appeared to be in reasonable health. The kennels and dogs were heavily infested with ticks. Volunteers from animal rescue groups Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better and AnimalCare had brought food and water containers, and bags of dog food earlier and had fed and watered the dogs.
“Though the floor had been washed down, there was no evidence that the kennels were disinfected regularly to prevent the spread of prevailing diseases in the pound like distemper, parvovirus, and tick-fever,” says SPCA Selangor Veterinarian Dr Karen Koh. There were four dogs in one kennel that looked very ill and emaciated. “Since providing medical care for the dogs is beyond the means of the council, they must ensure that dogs that are severely injured or ill are euthanized by a vet promptly, and not left suffering in these enclosures for days,” says SPCA Selangor Animal Inspector Cunera Kimlon.
A second visit was made early Wednesday morning. The gate to the pound was open, and the SPCA team began inspecting the kennels again and taking photographs. The sickly dogs that were seen two days earlier were no longer around. All the puppies had been placed together in one kennel, while the neighbouring kennels housed 2-3 adult dogs each. Food and water placed by animal rescuers was still there. Two dogs were found dead, a brown mix-breed dog and a black Spitz-mix wearing a red collar.
“We were invited to a meeting with Majlis Perbandaran Selayang, to discuss how to immediately improve this miserable situation the pound dogs are facing, but this invitation was immediately revoked upon them learning of our pound visit on Wednesday morning,” says SPCA Selangor Chairman Christine Chin. “However, we are still keen on teaching them how to manage their pound better in the short-term and long-term – if they are willing to accept our help. Municipals should be encouraging animal loving constituents to help at the pound, not chasing them out,” she continues.
Council in the spotlight again
In 2007, MPS incurred the wrath of dog-lovers all over the world when they decided to initiate a financially rewarding dog-catching competition inviting the public to participate in what looked like ‘fun-filled festivity’ to reduce the stray population. The competition was quickly scrapped after protests from animal welfare NGOs and the public. Animal welfare NGOs have always highlighted that reducing the stray population requires a long-term strategy - low-cost spay/neuter programs, public awareness campaigns, proper licensing and effective legislation discouraging abandonment of pets or allowing them to stray in their neighbourhood.
SPCA pressures for prosecution
SPCA Selangor has over the years lobbied the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) to regulate and monitor dog-catching activities and the management of council pounds. Last year, the DVS issued the ‘Guidelines for Humane Stray Management for Local Councils’ to all Malaysian municipal councils, but few improvements have been made by the councils – with even basic needs such as food, water and a clean environment often not provided for the dogs.
“SPCA Selangor is pressing for a closure of all pounds that are not managed humanely, and strongly condemns those that reject help from animal welfare groups. This withholding of food, water, and medical attention causing unnecessary pain, suffering and death to the impounded dogs is tantamount to cruelty to animals. MPS officials in charge of the pound management must be charged for cruelty to animals under Section 43 of The Animal Act 1953(revised 2006). The DVS must take strong action against these perpetrators as this offense is so widespread – municipal councils feel the law will never catch them as they have been getting away with it for years,” Chin urges.
‘We are shocked and disappointed with the conditions at the Selayang pound, and we are sending out a strong message that SPCA Selangor and fellow Malaysians find the inhumane treatment of these dogs completely unacceptable,” she continues.
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dr. Razif Zainol Abidin - 012-2252240
Pengarah Kesihatan & Pelesenan
Tel : 03-61370757 Faks : 03-61388300

The people in charge of the Selayang Municipal Council pound are cheap low down criminals. They have killed all the sick and mangy dogs and gone out to get new dogs to create a picture that the dogs in the pound are healthy and well. The targets are people's pets - even after so called self-proclaimed big shots had had meetings with the council representatives - the crap still happened. Six puppies have since been rescued in spite of the council people saying that they would not catch puppies. Apparently Ernie - 013-6064446 has been up to her tricks again and had instructed that all collars and chains be removed from new victims. This tan and black dog came in with a chain around its neck . What we learnt was that it was snappy and this prevented them from removing the chain. The poor dog was infested with ticks as big as peanuts and we have rescued it and sent it tp the veterinary clinic to be deticked. Its so traumatised that we still cannot remove the chain. These people will not change if not pressured- Please continue writing and sending SMS to the relevant people highlighting Ernie 013-6064446's dirty tricks. Or better still call Ernie's boss Dr. Razif Zainol Abidin at 012-2252240. He has the authority to stop this. He is also the person who turned down SPCA's offer of food and slammed the phone on them. What is this reflective off? - THAT HE DOESN'T GIVE A TICK'S POSTERIOR IF THE DOGS DID NOT HAVE ANY FOOD AND WATER! Call Dr. Razif Zainol Abidin at 012-2252240 now and bring change to the hell hole known as the Selayang Municipal Council dog pound.
Dr. Razif Zainol Abidin
Pengarah Kesihatan & Pelesenan
Tel : 03-61370757 Faks : 03-61388300
YAD. Dato' Paduka Raja Dato' Hj. Wan Mahmood b. Pa' Wan Teh
No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-3337099
Tn. Abd Rahim b. Abd Wahab
No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-6767002
Tn. Lim Ching How
No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-2325011
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 013-6347237.
Tn. A Rahim b. Ahmad Kasdi
No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-3864986
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-6935569
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-2917011
YBhg. Dato' Hj. Mazlan b. Hassan
No. Tel. Bimbit: 013-3990545
Puan Sian Eng Keng
No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-2881387
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 016-3715923
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-3718064
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-2342889
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-6623822
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-3529660
Tn. Samsudin b. A.Rahman
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No. Tel. Bimbit : 013-3973930
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-3096671
Tn. Tan Hui Chuan
No. Tel. Bimbit : 012-3586988
YM Tengku Zulpuri Shah B. Raja Puji
No. Tel. Bimbit: 019-3296564
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No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-3925995
Tn. Roslin b. Mohd. Rosli
No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-3072605
Tn. Lee Khai Loon
No. Tel. Bimbit: 012-3718064
Selayang MP YB William Leong
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