This dog called Handsome and has been subjected to the worst form of abuse and cruelty by its owners. Apparently, the people who live in a big house in Lebuh Jelutong, Taman Selatan, Klang allow the dog to roan freely and Handsome tried to bite someone a month ago. He has been kept locked-up in his cage since then and it is believed that the owners had been hosing him with water everytime he created a ruckus to get out. Handsome became very ill and last night they dumped him outside their gate to die. A neighbour who went to place some food and water for the dog found ants crwaling all over Handsome and when he alerted the owners - they hosed the sick dog down again!!!! We asked one of our panel vets to go and have a look and our vet has taken Handsome to his clinic to be treated. He says Handsome has lung infection and its probably because of all the water that's been sprayed on him all this while. We have informed SPCA and will also contact the Department of Veterinary Services as we want these people to be charged for animal cruelty for what they have done. Let's see what happens.
That is absolutely HORRIBLE and I hope those people get charged with animal cruelty and they go to jail. How can humans be so cruel?! :(
Is Handsome ok now?
This story made me cry. A pet is a family member of us, how can they treat Handsome this way. I wonder if his son sick, will the owner throw him out to rot outside?
RIP handsome.. for the owners of this dog.. i hope one day someone will lock ur kids up and hose them with water!! karma will get u!
those people so so so cruel, i hope the will get the worse charge ever for treating animal like that!
how can people be so cruel? if i had the power I would do the same to sick human.
well as saying goes, what goes around comes back. i simply hope and pray this idiotic human being faces the same soon.
OMG! How could they just leave him like that! I hope Department of Veterinary Services will take some action to the cruel owners!!!
I hope the owner dies as well. being exposed to the sun and sprayed water.
Sad to see these pictures. Unbelievable how people are so cruel especially their owners. GOD is watching and they will pay for their sins. Too sad.....Shamiela Jane
do something about it!
if they cannot take care of the dog..dont even have one in the first place..
sick just dump them outside...
hope when they are sick, they will be mistreated as well - bloody people!
please do something about this.
the owners of this dog must be punished.
can this be highlighted in our newspapers?
Oh my god. How can anyone be so cruel to let a poor dog to suffer such a fate. When you keep a dog it is your responsibility to ensure that he is not roaming freely without someone accompanying the dog. If he bite someone it is you as a owner fail to take responsibility in caring for him properly. Merely because of this you cannot punish a dog so cruelly. My own dog as bitten me accidentally. I don't look him in a cage and torture him. I say Babitoh you are naughty boy I am not going to play with you anymore. All he will do is run and hide then slowly come out and try to make peace with me. Then we are best of friends again. The Karma will vsiit you. What goes around comes around.
OMG...tht person so heartless.
OMG...tht person so heartless.
i just can curse the dog owner, hope they go to die asap.
hopefully the owners all die a similar way....those motherfuckers... somebody should beat the whole family up
Poor Handsome...he used to be so handsome & furry! what has got into his owner's mind? if they decided to give up Handsome they should call up the relevant authority rather torture him like that! Thanks to the kind neighbour!!
We should shame this type of cruel people. I hope after their investigation, DVS will proceed to charge Handsome's owners in court for extreme cruelty....Straydog
Could someone please reveal the home address of this animal abuser? Thanks.
Unfortunately, animal cruelty is not taken seriously in Malaysia. I hope one day the rules will improve for the better and the animals are all protected someway. If i see this happening to my neighbors dog, i will personally bring the dog home. At least someone can love him throughout the last minutes of his life. No living things deserves this. Pay attention to your surroundings. Start caring for things happening around you. If you see this happening to your neighbors dog, take action. If you can't do it on your own, make the initiative to contact someone who can. Show the society that people do care and not everyone acts like an animal like the owner of Handsome. May Handsome rest in peace.
such useless owners! hope their children will do the same thing 2 them.
Let's organise a demonstration outside the bastard's house and show those arseholes that they are worse than wild beasts. please someone keep tabs and when something bad, which i'm sure will, happens to the family, to publish it for all to know and learn.
~@#$%^! gosh !!! i'm from Klang and i'm really sad to know about this. from above pic, the size of the owner house is 2-3 times bigger than mine and yet they can't even take proper care of a dog ? these rich people treat the dog like a toy, got bore, just throw it out ? really shameful !!!
I'm the person who reported this incident to MDDB and supplied the photographs you see in the blog post.
When I was helping the dog, I had no idea it would start a chain reaction, which resulted in over 10 people demonstrating outside the house on Sunday, 30 January 2011.
You have every right to protest but my family is concerned about the neighbours trying to harm us.
Although no harm has come to us at the moment, I hope you will support us if it does.
Other than this minor concern of my family, I think you guys did a good job of educating the dog abusers and readers of your web site and Facebook pages of not tolerating dog abuse.
Pray to god that the stupid brainless owner of "Handsome" suffer the same fate as "Handsome".Idiot.Go eat SHIT!!!
Sigh...it's just sad to see cases like this.sum ore so rich can stay big place,can't even care for his own pet.
If he or someone really not capable to give proper care for his own pet,should at least take an initiative to get a new good home for them. They deserve to be treated way better than this...
Punish the owners. Some people are just too arrogant to think they can get away with this. Dogs are also also beings with feelings and emotions. Can't imagine what Handsome must have felt during the entire ordeal.
Rest in peace Handsome.
I salute the brave neighbour who stood up for justice and dared to take the risk of highlighting this.
Dont be afraid of him and take heart that God is watching all that is happening out there. Already he had done such a terrible sin to let the dog die in pain.
If he dares to harm you or your family, you can be rest assured, he will certainly rot in hell when he leaves this world finally and faces the Maker. Take comfort to know that God does exist and will eventually punish those who inflict harm and pain on others.
Neighbours staying around this monster owner, watch out for this good samaritan who had sticked his neck out in the name of justice. Let no harm happen to him.
To the brave neighbour, I salute you for doing the right thing.
Remember this. If no one cares, the Maker up there does and watches over you. He has seen the monster torture the helpless Handsome. The Maker will watch over you too. If at all the monster tries to be funny, he will have to pay his dues when he leaves this world and meet the Maker on judgement day and rot forever in hell.
heartless bastard !! not deserve to being called 'human' !
My prayers are for them to lose all their health as well as fortune and to be homeless starving under the hot sun and rain...god is great! Otherwise there are a lot of people willing to acid bath these kunts!
Well said, "
..If at all the monster tries to be funny, he will have to pay his dues when he leaves this world.." and Judgement Day is already here, now. See news lately, alot of crimemakers are caught some at the scene, some just a few days apart, some punished with ways you can never think of. The Creator knows and is watching, his time will come..
-Mrs Tham
Read more: http://malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com/2011/01/animal-crulety.html#ixzz1JOtZgQ41
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