Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010
as all of you know MDDB's rescue work is never ending with puppies and dogs being taken off the streets almost on a daily basis. But we have also been rescuing from the pound and most of the puppies rescued come with distemper or parvo. We keep them at our quarantine center and treat them for at least six months before they are ready for adoption. We currently have several such older puppies and are in need of your help to pay for their medical needs. Those who are coming here through Malaysiakini - WELCOME. Please go through our blog and every little help we get from you would be greatly appreciated. Here are the young ones that currently need your help. All have been vaccinated and neutered.
Besides, them we also have younger puppies as well as an accident victim at the Mayo Veterinary clinic in Subang Jaya to care for. Updates on that later.
Cheques in favour of:
Community Development and Integration Initiative Bhd (654290-T)
and mail it to:
c/o No 48, Jalan Jeriji U8/75C, Bukit Jelutong, 40150, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Or bank into:
Community Development and Integration Initiative Bhd
Public Bank Account Number: 3151793708.
Details: 019-3576477, 012-3739007, 017-2081844
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Both the dogs were on leashes when they were grabbed from the family’s Myanmar maid. When questioned whether pets which are kept confined in their owner’s premises needed licenses, Zulkifli said the purpose of the license was to merely indicate that the pets have been duly vaccinated. To a question by MDDB if vaccination documents and veterinary records were sufficient as opposed to a license, Zulkifli said YES. He spoke about the CAT committee and several people, including some residents, told him that having a one man show in the guise of a committee was not justifiable. Many of those attending know of Pat Lim and are aware she had quit the committee because she believed it did more harm to animal welfare that safeguarding it. One man even went to the extent of saying it was ridiculous to call a so-called committee dealing with so-called canine issues CAT. Zulkifli was asked to remove the CAT committee from MPK as it did not make sense for an outsider to involve himself in Klang affairs. Instead, it was suggested that a committee comprising local residents who are dog lovers and pet owners be formed instead. Zulkifli was also questioned why MPK was yet to allocate a budget to purchase food for the dogs at the pound. His answer was wishy washy and he said the pound workers collected food from the SPCA twice weekly. However, from the feedback we get, they are there only once a week and at times not at all. When asked why the entire pound was closed-up with zinc panels, Zulkifli said it was to keep the dogs from running out but we do not buy this. We believe it is to prevent us from seeing what’s going on inside. He also told us we were welcome to have adoptions at the pound and we are going to take his word on this. When asked about the dog catcher’s gross behaviour on Wed, Zulkifli said he would investigate the matter and take the necessary action. He was given two weeks by Mr Santiago to come back with a report. About wire loops still being used, Zulkifli said he was not aware that the catchers were doing it. He said he did not know what was going on on the ground. We see this as an admission of being a weak boss. Therefore, this is reason enough for him to be removed. MDDB is now in discussion with the Taman Radzi residents on a TNR exercise in their housing estate. We cannot divulge much now as it may be sabotaged. However, it will be announced when implemented soon.

Deputy Minister in charge of public complaints at the Prime Minister's Department
Datuk T. Murugiah
PUBLIC COMPLAINTS BUREAU - PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT MALAYSIA - You can make online complaints about Zulkifli Abbas and ask for his removal
We cannot help but notice how the CAT committee person continues to strengthen the fact that the CAT committee does not serve the interest of strays and dogs dumped into the pound. The CAT committee comes across as more of a public relations outfit for local councils, their dog-catchers and their paid dog bounty hunters. This is evident in the statements made in the CAT honcho's a.k.a Arsehole continued assertion that the dog catchers are unsung heroes. He is also actively propagating the catching and killing of strays not realising that this method will only result in the increase of strays due to the dynamics involved. This is indicative that the one-man CAT committee is clueless about the management of strays. The CAT honcho has also tried to discredit MDDB by purportedly publishing comments from a so-called retired animal control officer from a foreign country. Apparently, according to his blog, the chap praised him and told him that CAT's method is the best. This made us double-up with laughter. Arsie knows nuts. In developed countries, animal control officers, are people who attended courses in community colleges in stray management. They are also given the authority to arrest and prosecute. The pounds in these countries generally come with a fully-equipped veterinary facility and the place is hygienic and clean. One holding cage, which is the size of one enclosure, is meant for not more than three dogs. Dogs are treated and put through a behavioural test and subsequently put-up for adoption. They are only destroyed if they are not suitable for adoption because of being fierce. The animal protection laws are also very stringent in these countries and pound workers can be prosecuted of they are cruel towards the dogs at the pounds. We were told by some who comes from Ireland that several local council pound workers in his town were sent to jail some years ago for abusing dogs under their care. The CAT creep further posts another ridiculous comment that MDDB has no website and therefore may not be legit. This is the dumbest statement any arsehole can make. IT TAKES RM400 GET A WEBSITE, WE CAN SPAY FOUR DOGS WITH THAT MONEY, YOU MORON! Anyway, he also did us a favour via one of his posts in which a non-existent person purportedly lambastes us. HE mentioned our name. It has brought us a lot of calls and inquiries as his blog appears in Malaysiakini. Thank you for the publicity. As for the SPCA, the time has come for the organisation to very seriously decide whether it wants to be in the dog catchers PR vehicle known as CAT or form another committee that will really look after the interests of strays and pound dogs. Your reputation is at stake if you stick with this creep. Please also look at this recording in which Zulkifli openly admits that he's a lousy boss.