Saturday, February 5, 2011


Handsome - left to die outside the gate.
Look at the grin in his face - he thinks its funny to dump a sick dog outside to die!
We had a memorial service for Handsome at his home on Jan 30. His cruel owners were not in when we were conducting the memorial service but came home soon after. They were tickled pink that people would actually sacrifice their time and stand in the rain to seek justice for a dog. The owner also said the person who had removed the dying Handsome, that he had dumped outside his gate, should have asked his permission before taking the dog to the vet. He said this was because he was the owner. He received a severe tongue lashing from MDDB volunteers and supporters who were there and told what an idiot he was to have subjugated the poor dog to so much suffering. We were also glad he said this because by making that statement he had admitted ownership of Handsome. (The Veterinary Services Department officer was worried that the owners would deny Handsome was theirs as he was outside their gate). Anyway, the man and his wife were given a severe ticking off. Our next step would be to ensure that the DVS prosecutes these monsters. We hate being so militant but are forced to be so because this is the only way we can counter animal cruelty. We thank everyone who was there to lend us support.


Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better volunteers and supporters assembled at the Petaling Jaya district police headquarters to lodge a police report over the Youtube clip showing a man brutalising s toy poodle as he taught it to stand on its hind legs. A total of 15 reports were lodged that evening and we are hoping that the authorities will do something about it soon. The police says its not their call to investigate animal cruelty cases and this means the onus is on the Department of Veterinary Services to do the job. However, as expected there wasn't much response from the DVS in spite of the public outcry. Perhaps we should next lodge a report against the Malaysian Veterinary Services Department for not bucking-up in spite of all the information given to them. Even PETA Asia-Pacific had compiled information and forwarded it to the department! Malu!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Dear friends,
thank you for being with us and supporting us through thick and thin since MDDB was first initiated. It is with your help and support that we have managed to rescue, treat and rehome over 250 dogs and puppies over the years. We are eternally grateful for your support. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you the very best for the new year. May the year of the Rabbit bring your great health, wealth and prosperity. We enclose here the story of Rottie, who found his forever home in Rawang after leading a life of loneliness and pain. If he was shunned in the past, Rottie, now renamed Dexter, is a much loved canine companion whom his human dotes on. Pictures are not so good as Rottie is somewhat camera shy. Rottie/Dexter's story is what MDDB is all about. And we are able to achieve our mission because of your help and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Herewith links to Rottie/Dexter's heart-rending tale.

Monday, January 31, 2011


WE have been informed that exco Dr Xavier Jayakumar and the three member CAD committee will be inspecting the Klang pound tomorrow. Of course, everything will be in tip top condition as prior notice has been given. Next, we can expect a grand announcement in Petnegative that the pound was in tip top condition with the dogs being loved and pampered before execution. Petnegative will also brag that the superb conditions is because of its efforts. Brings to mind the incident whereby the committee's resident cad went on to announce how he had wheeled around and taught the Klang saintly dog catchers to 'humanely' catch dogs and that wire loops would no longer be used. Barely, a couple of days later this happened:
Of course we would like to put on record that the Klang Municipal Council's Health Department and its officers have now come to understand the need to show compassion for dogs and are going around looking for land to put-up a proper pound. They are also now very cooperative and we are very appreciative of this.
However, the dog catchers are the same old brutal bunch who know not what compassion is.

Given this, they do not need the 3-member CAD committee, with Dr Xavier in tow, to give them prior notice before a visit and then give the thumbs-up sign for a good job done.
The smart thing would be to go there unannounced.

P/S Dr Xavier, with due respect, could you speak to rescuers instead of the chief cad for feedback on how to manage pounds and tackle the stray problem. He is giving you wrong and bad advise.