Saturday, July 9, 2011

Motherless puppies found near Tesco Klang AND FRIM puppies

These seven puppies were found near Tesco Klang making a lot of noise probably because they were hungry. They mother were nowhere to see even though the person who went to pick them looked around and waited at the area for a while. We reckon the mother must have been caught by the local council dog catchers. This is not the first time we have found motherless puppies. Although we normally wait for puppies to be at least 2 months before putting them up for adoption, we are going to put these little fellows up for adoption at the Summit Subang Jaya because we think they will fare better with individual care and attention. Those who cannot adopt them can also foster these poor puppies. The vet says they are about five weeks old and can eat canned puppy food. We also have another batch of six five week old puppies rescued from the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia's secondary jungles in Kepong. The dogs there are currently in danger of being removed and we are trying hard to seek a dialogue with the management to allow us to initiate TNRM there given that the joggers who go there every morning can be requested to become our feeders. They too will be available for adoption tomorrow - as well as need fostering.


Anonymous said...

Do these pups still need a place to be fostered? I'll be able to foster them but I might have issues with transport.

Sharmini Popiko Sasha said...

Yes, we need fosterers and can arrange transport. Please call 019-3576477. Or SMS if there's no answer. Thanks a million.

Angel said...

Don't want to sound horrible but when I look at the pic of the puppies, there might be a chance that the mother went off kinda far to look for food.. the puppies aren't skinny.. and it also means that the mother didn't abandon her puppies. We might have saved the puppies but the mother might be looking for her puppies high and low, and that is sad..

Sharmini Popiko Sasha said...

People saw the mother being caught by the dog catchers.

Angel said...

:o that is horrible... am glad the puppies are safe