We now have a panel clinic in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and it all started with this dog. Our friend Mandy had gone to visit her husband's office there and found this dog, which is believed to be paralysed. The dog was being taken care off by an independant rescuer who could not afford to take it to the vet. Mandy did that for her and managed to strike an arrangement with the vet. The lady's who is caring for the dog, will most probably be our representative there and will use the clinic to neuter strays in KK and give them the necessary treatment and vaccinations. We will now work on raising funds for the KK dogs in both Sabah and Sarawak. According to Mandy, the dog which has demodex may also be suffering from distemper as the vet told her that there was a distemper outbreak in KK currently. The dog is now admitted at the Sabah Animal Medical Center and we are hoping it will recover soon.
hope to hear more news bout this dog...
Good news to the KK strays! at least it's a good start!
good news to the KK strays! It's a good start! Best of luck!
she already died today (4.50pm)
Do you have any pups for adoption in KK?
Looking at getting another dog.
hi, I am a Sabahan but living in KL. Would love to know how is it going there in KK?
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