This is the last time Justice will ever be
mentioned until his adopter comes back from overseas. A bunch of morons, who
are trying to distract negative attention that’s currently on them, are making
wild allegations about us and Justice. Besides making baseless allegations,
they are also accusing us of stealing our own dog? Aileen is also lying through
her teeth that Justice was forcibly taken. We had duly informed the adopter
that we were removing the dog. Furthermore, Aileen had SMSed several times asking
us to take him and now she’s changing her story? AND HOW DARE THE MIAR
JACKASSES ACTUALLY THINK THEY CAN CONFISCATE JUSTICE? They have actually posted a video of Justice being removed from the shop that further strengthens our contention.
1) That Aileen was twisting and turning her facts. I have SMSes from her asking when we were going to take Justice back. Now she refuses to give?
2) We went there with Eswaran's consent. We had a long conversation with him two days in a row.
So, the question here - they say we did not bother about him and that its our responsibility. But why when we went there, she tried to stop us. What's her motive?
What we see in the video is Aileen standing and talking - probably complaining? Do you all see Justice being dragged away? Do you see her trying to stop us?
And the MIAR jackasses say: Before, we highlighted, they never visited nor called to ask about why the making such a big drama now.
How would they know whether we spoke to Eswaran or not? Matter of fact it was only after our call to Eswaran that Aileen agreed to give him back.
However, as the legal
jargon Res Ipsa Loquitur goes, facts more often than not speak for themselves.
Here are the facts:
FACT 1: In November last year as we were
driving back from Raub to Kuala Lumpur after visiting some of our dogs that are
at a farm, we received a call from a man called Govin who is from Kuantan. He
told us about a puppy with a broken back and asked us to help. We told him to
call back and he asked us to drive down to Kuantan at that moment itself. He
was told off and a small argument ensued. Nevertheless, he continued calling
and we could sense the urgency in his voice. we told him that we will help
provided that he took Justice back after the surgery and cared for him. We then
told Govin to bring Justice to the Gasing Veterinary Hospital in Petaling Jaya
and Myers Shane, Colin Kuan and I were there on the day Justice was brought
there. Govin had also brought Justice’s X-rays. An MRI was done and Justice’s
spinal column was found to be completely transacted. Dr Prem, the clinic’s
chief vet gave us three options, which were:
to put Justice to sleep
to do nothing
to put him through surgery
As you all know MDDB is anti-euthanasia, however
we left the option to Govin as he was the initial rescuer. Govin choose surgery
and we could see tears in his eyes after Dr Prem had delivered his prognosis. We
promised that we would do our best to help the dog.
QUESTION: Govin’s wife Sharma was close friends
with the shit stirrers, why didn’t they offer to help then but are jumping around
as if in an epileptic convulsions now?
FACT 2: Apparently there were only two surgeons
who carried out the surgery and incidentally one of them Dr Phua, a
Kuantan-based vet, was the first to see and diagnose Justice. However, upon
seeing the MRI, Dr Phua declined to carry out the surgery due to the poor
prognosis. He was concerned there would be a misconception that Justice would
be able to walk after surgery. Govin kept calling me almost everyday and we
could tell that he sincerely and earnestly wanted Justice to undergo surgery. Justice
was still admitted at the Gasing Veterinary Hospital in Petaling Jaya while
this was transpiring. But Govin strongly believed Justice required surgery and
we agreed with him as we could see that Justice was suffering discomfort due to
the transacted spinal column. Since Govin couldn’t convince Dr Phua, we took a taxi all the way to Kuantan and met the veterinary surgeon
begging him to do the surgery. Dr Phua explained his concerns and we assured him
we were not expecting miracles but wanted the surgery merely to straighten
Justice’s spinal column to ensure no future complications. Dr Phua agreed to do
the surgery and a date was set.
QUESTION: Why didn’t Shalinee Fernandez, who could
attend our Project Gasing event, which was not too long after the surgery, visit
Justice if she was that concerned about him? Why now?
FACT 3: This mangy bunch also allege we have
collected so much of money for Justice and never paid his bills. What’s the big
issue, just call the vets and find out if we paid them or not. When Justice’s
surgery was arranged, there was a waiting period of one week as Dr Prem was on
Deepavali holiday. We immediately set on a fund raising exercise in order to
pay the vets on the day of the surgery. Dr Phua asked for RM6k as he would have
to close his clinic and lose a day’s business to travel to PJ to do the
surgery. Dr Prem asked for RM2k to assist as well as for the use of his
facility. Govin was concerned that we would not be able to raise the money. I
told him not to worry and that Justice’s plight will be made known widely to
seek aid. We appealed for funds, Govin contributed between RM700+ to RM1k and
we also started collecting from friends, family and colleagues to come up with
the money. We also made personal contributions as we only had a week to come up
with the cash. We managed to collect RM15, 000 and I told Govin about this and
what we would do with the money. Once the amount was reached and we had paid
the vets on the day of the surgery, Myers Shane took pictures of the cheques at
Gasing Veterinary Hospital and we posted in on our blog to show people that the
cost has been met. Myers Shane and I sat at the clinic from morning and only
left at night after Justice had regained consciousness. No more requests for
financial donations for Justice was made after that. That is the way MDDB
operates, once case settled no more fund collection for that particular dog.
You can see this for yourself on our blog and FB page. Govin knows what we did
with the money. After paying Dr Phua and Dr Prem, we had a balance of RM7k –
out of this we kept RM2k for Justice’s future expense and used the other RM5k
to pay veterinary bills for several other dogs there including one belonging to
another rescue group. He narrated this to his wife Sharma.
QUESTION: Since Govin’s wife was a good friend of
Puspa Rani, did she contribute towards Justice’s surgery? Did Shalinee
Fernandez contribute since she talking so much now?
FACT 4: After the surgery, Justice came to live
with Irene but at the same time there was another disabled dog called Jimmy Boy
who was also there. We called Govin and arranged a swap so that Irene could
take care of Justice. Govin was also worried on how he was going to take care
of Justice and we told him that Justice was so popular that someone may just
come for him. Govin narrated this to his wife Sharma. After a month, Irene had
to leave for an overseas working trip and we started looking for a fosterer but
no one except Jennifer Leong came forward. This Jennifer Leong, a highly
emotional and easily combustionble woman eventually became another headache.
But we say she did do a good job in caring for Justice. We paid Jennifer for
all of Justice’s needs via cheque and she bought the things she needed. We also
paid for her patrol whenever she had to take Justice to the vet. There was one
incident where Justice had bitten his leg and had to be admitted to the clinic.
We paid for all that from the remaining RM2k – no more requests for money was
made but we did ask if someone could buy us his diapers and some meds. Jennifer’s
term to care for Justice was only for about two months and when the time was
nearly up, we put up SOS requests for other fosterers. No one came-up as Justice
was a special care dog. One woman called Meera Thuraivel called to say that a
pet shop owner she knows had volunteered to care for Justice. We agreed and
Justice was sent there. We issued Aileen a cheque and Irene paid her for the
food stuff the petshop owner recommended that we buy from her. Meera says we
did not send any food over.
QUESTION: Wouldn’t it be ridiculous to buy food from other stores when the
fosterer herself sells dog food?

FACT 5: A few days
after Justice was sent to Aileen’s pet shop Myers Shane called to say that the
petshop owner had put up a sign that Justice was up for adoption. She was told
never to do that again as all adoptions would be carried out by us. Very soon
after that she called to say that a gym instructor called Eswaran wanted to
adopt Justice. However, she was not too keen that we met him. We told her that
the adoption could only be done if we met the adopter face to face – this was
done and an adoption form was signed. Aileen told us that Eswaran was a very
private person and would not like interference from anyone. She also told us
that Jennifer was visiting too regularly and that she had asked to meet Justice’s
adopter. She also voiced her ‘concern’ that this may tick him off. For her to
say that she was not told how to care for Justice is a pile of hogwash as I was
told that Jennifer had actually drafted a manual on how to care for Justice.
So, we told her that if Jennifer’s visit would in any way jeopardize Justice’s
adoption, she should tell Jennifer not to go there anymore. This, we believe
was conveyed to Jennifer, but we are not certain of the context it was said.
Soon after, Justice suffered from a prolapsed anus and Jennifer called Myers
Shane and told him about it. She was hysterical and wanted to go with Myers to
see Justice at the clinic. Myers Shane was also requested not to tell me what
had happened. Myers called me immediately and I called Aileen to find out what
had happened. I was overcome with fear that something bad can happen to Justice
and I demanded to know why we were not informed. The reason was that Justice
was already adopted and it was Eswaran’s call now. I still called the vet and
spoke to her about Justice and later came to find out that the adopter had paid
the RM3+ bill. Someone who does not want their name dragged into this said that
the prolapsed anus was because Justice was just left sitting there and
sometimes in a dirty condition. This can be supported by Jennifer’s statement after
she paid him a surprise visit “he pooed and his poo smeared all over the sores
and my hands too. Soon he'll get an infection.’’ True enough the prolapsed anus
incident happened. All this while Aileen never asked us to take Justice back
nor did she say she couldn’t care for him. When the prolapsed anus incident occurred
– we decided to take him away and put him up for adoption – but Aileen’s friend
Ivy Loh posted something and accused of separating Justice from Aileen. All
this crap happened in a span of four months. We have had a long good
conversation with Eswaran and arrived at some terms. He called me again and
requested that his name not mentioned again and our private conversation
remained private. I will respect that as he is keeping his word re Justice and
is standing by him albeit not being able to take him home. The reason being
Justice is a barker and the very night he was brought home to his condo, the
dog barked his lungs out at 4.00am. We were also informed by an interested
party that Aileen had not wanted to give Justice even until recently but was
pressured to do so.
QUESTION: What is Aileen
getting at with her contradictory fabrication? She says Justice was dumped
there by us and at the same time says he was adopted by Eswaran? Was she using
him to lure customers to her shop? According to Meera Thuraivel, she had bought
supplies for Justice. What happened to the money we gave her? People have also regularly
been telling us that they were told many sob stories and had ended-up by stuff
from the shop for Justice. Aileen says she never collected donations for
Justice. When did we say she collected donations? We said she used him to lure
customers to her shop and sell her stuff. This post by the person who visited
the shops tells it all. Visitors were taking photos with Justice as if he were
a sideshow.
FACT 6: Jennifer Leong has been going around
vindictively saying that we had used Justice to collect funds. Those who have
been following us and Justice’s story will know that once we posted the
pictures of the cheques – we stopped collections. NGOs and other rescue groups
will also know that once you stop highlighting a case or a cause, the funds
would stop coming in. So, when we stopped highlighting Justice, who would be
contributing funds anymore? If funds kept pouring in just like that without
appeals, we wouldn’t make an appeal every time a case comes in. The idiots
making these allegations should also know this as they too make appeals for
funds highlighting their cases. Now we have been led to believe that Jennifer’s
anger and her morbid reaction must be due to two reasons, firstly her private
message with Govin’s wife Sharma. Sharma, narration wasn’t exactly what we told
Govin. When Jennifer queried her about it, she choose not to answer but went on
with something else. When one does not clear a misconception, it is akin making
an allegation. Secondly, coming to know of Aileen’s true colours now, we do not
know what she told Jennifer when asking her not to come there anymore.
QUESTION: What did Aileen tell Jennifer and why
didn’t Sharma correct the misconception when Jennifer asked her the question?
CONCLUSION: The case of Justice the special care
dog has been utilized by the MIAR idiots to cover their shit which will be
revealed in the following post. The lies and fabrication is not unusual
especially coming from a group which has several big secrets to hide.