In Feb this year a young lady e-mailed us about a 7 to 8 month old black puppy she had started feeding near her rented room in Cheras. The puppy, which had a serious skin problem, was frightened of people and would run off whenever the young lady tried to touch it. We advised her to befriend the dog and the young lady diligently fed the dog daily and spent time trying to gain its confidence. She succeded several weeks later and asked us if she could bring the puppy to us in Klang. We were afraid to take the pup in given the distemper cases we were taking care off. So, we asked another rescue group to help out and we believe we made the biggest mistake in doing so. She was first boarding in a clinic - where the vet says she was doing fine - but removed and taken to their place where she became gravely ill. It was not distemper or parvo - but we now believe that since the puppy is known to be frightened of people - she had kept away from the people as well as the other dogs there..... to the extent of starcving herself. In the process, she became undernourished and developed ulcers. She must also have tried to run from the other dogs as there was a deep cut on one of her paws - which led to her suffering in pain and trying to bite of the infected paw. We took her in a week ago and tried to help her regain her health but the poor girl showed little improvement. So we rushed her to an animal hospital on Sunday night where she was immediately put on drips and given antibiotics and pain-killers. We hope that the pup named Dumex - will survive - otherwise we would all be very deeply effected with what had happened to her. Sometimes, it is so difficult to help some strays - which are just too frightened to trust people. Please pray for Dumex.
I really hope she gets well soon... :(
i will pray for her...hope that she recover...sigh
Sad case - sometimes rescuers/feeders ask for help from those who has the place to keep strays they rescued but accused of "washing their hands off" - now I just concentrate on feeding them - instead of rescuing them ...
dont worry things will only get better. if not it is really dumex time to go. with all the effort you guys put in, no sense in blaming yourselves. you made your decision which in that time was the most feasible one.
Let's keep our fingers crossed! let's hope Dumex will toughen up !
Just feeding a stray is not a solution to help them. We must think of ways to prevent them from breeding and finding a proper home.Time is what one needs.Putting a rescued stray in a place unfamiliar to them is not a solution too if no reassurance given to them that that place is safe
Can update us on Dumex wellbeing?
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