Thursday, June 11, 2009


Miki and new best friend
Happy Miki now at her new home with her new family
Miki frightened at the vet's
Miki feeling safe in her own prison

We found Miki (whom we called Nina) alone and destitute hiding behind the closed grille to the first floor entrance of a shop house. She was afraid of people and stayed inside her ‘cage’ most of the time and only ventured out late at night when no one was around to eat the food that we had been leaving for her. Not able to gain her confidence, we called the shop owner and managed to catch her with his help. Miki, who is about five to six months old, was so afraid of people that she cringed when we tried to touch her. We placed her at one of our vets and hoped that some kind soul would adopt her and patiently gain her confidence. One day a young lady, her brother and her grandmother came to have a look at the many puppies that we had. It was love at first sight for the young lady’s brother when he saw Miki. He wanted her even though we told him that it might be a long time before she would warm up to him. He was prepared to take the chance – and we are glad that he did. Today, Miki is a distant shadow of her old self and has bloomed into a happy and gregarious puppy within a month. She has also developed a very close friendship with the family’s other pet, a Shih Tzu. It’s for happy endings like this that we do what we do. Have a happy life Miki – you certainly deserve it.

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