Dear human uncles and aunties,
Thank you so much for inquiring about my brother who was mauled by the MPSJ brutes, Thank you also for the offers of financial contribution for his medical care.
The contribution would also go towards paying for his neutering, vaccination and deworming as well as for his friend’s.
The human aunties who rescued my brother say he is so traumatized that he may not be adoptable for at least six months.
Hence, the money will also go towards paying for his board if my human aunties cannot find a human family willing to foster him on a short term basis.
Anyway, will try to get my human to take some snapshots when she visits my brother next, so that all of you kind humans can ‘see’ his progress for yourself.
Now on another matter, I heard that the uncles and aunties in this place called the SPCA, where they keep dogs, want to pursue my brother’s matter.
Actually from a doggie perspective, there is no need to do so as the matter is being dealt with by my independent rescuer aunties.
I would humbly suggest that the uncles and aunties at the SPCA investigate the allegations that DBKL dogcatchers are wrongfully detaining doggies belonging humans in Setapak.
This is a serious allegation and I hope that someone at the SPCA acts fast instead of wanting to flay a dead cat over and over and over again. Oh, please forgive me for the pun – couldn’t help myself.
Sharmini Popiko Sasha signing off with a very big Woof, Woof!
P/S I think president elect Obama should get a doggie from a pound instead of buying one for his girls to take to the White House.
1 comment:
you're welcome in terms of donation and concerns from us, dog lovers around Malaysia.
Everyone is outraged and saddened by this tragic news, and I can imagine how traumatized the dog is, thanks to these irresponsible MPSJ people.
How can we visit the dog?Is the dog okay to have visitor, in the 1st place?
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