We were troubled to see the picture of two morons with a hanged puppy. But we are not surprised. Last week someone we know asked us for help. Apparently a puppy hanging from a rope was tied outside his friend's pet shop. Luckily, the puppy survived. We told them to allow the puppy to get over its ordeal before being vaccinated and handed over to us. Then about three weeks ago one of our adopters stumbled upon a dog lying by the side of Kesas Highway. The dog was dehydrated and suffered some internal injuries. The owner of a nearby workshop told the lady the dog had been knocked down at about 8.00am and it was almost 2.00pm when she saw the poor dog. No one, including the workshop owner, had even bothered to call for help. The lady rushed the dog to us and we admitted him to veterinary clinic. He died the same night. Then there is Jerry - he was crawling behind some houses in Taman Andalas, Klang. It is believed someone had hit him with a stick and injured his back - making him unable to walk. We admitted him to a veterinary clinic and he is still there and will be coming to our half-way-home soon. He still can't walk. Then there was the Terrier cross that was mowed down near PJ Hilton. No one bothered to help until a friend's sister and her husband spotted the dog. We rushed her to a veterinary hospital and she survived for over two weeks but died all of a sudden. She was wearing a collar - how did she get there? The vet says she had extensive internal injuries. The worst case is the puppy we rescued in Kapar. Someone living in the area had witnessed the puppy being kicked - he called us - we went to the scene immediately and rushed the puppy to a veterinary hospital. The puppy never regained consciousness and died a week later. How can you expect animals to be treated well by lay people when government bodies such as local councils condone and practice cruelty towards dogs?
fucker...cao cibai
these two malay babi..is not a human..bastard balik hutan lar...cibai babi babi babi...
how can anyone sleep in peace after seeing this... poor dogs.. RIP..
Don't you see the looks of future terrorists in their faces? as sure as I believe in God, these two ***** (the worst names are too good for them. rest assured they will see their parents, or siblings or even their children being hung like that.
what's going to happen now? MDDB, we look to you to take the lead. Of course, forget our usual supposedly animal welfare org. They are NATO only. That's why animal atrocities are so rampant. MDDB, WE SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY IN WHATEVER ACTION YOU WANT TO TAKE.
Are the authorities going to overlook the f*****g actions of these two sons of arseholes (what an insult to arseholes) as they usually do when it involves dogs. Are they going to say that the puppy tried to attack them (the usual screwed up excuse)? Dogs may be taboo to them but I hate to say, these 2 sonofbitches, have they considered that they are taboo to us too. Shall we hang them? Death is too good for them. That's the result of being spoilt by the nation.
MDDB please do something. We have faith in you. Remember the peaceful demo you organised in DBKL's cruelty to dogs. We're with you all the way. Time something concrete is done. Come on, MDDB! Show that you are action people which we believe you are, otherwise, cruelty to animals will only get worse.
This is so sick. I have this urge to hang the two babaric monsters by their nEck right now. So angry I feel like crying.
malay really one...
they are born as the lowest race and now they humiliate their filthy race with this kinda immoral doings.
if their parents (or whoever they is) had taught them to love animals (no matter if it's a dog or a cat), i bet they won't be doing such cruel, barbaric act.
regardless of religion, if children are being exposed to animal-loving at young age, they will continue to have a good heart and treat animals with respect; and not this.
I am sure they love their own cats and would not do harm to any cat. These two swines must be taught by their parents to hate and eliminate dogs in their path. Just look at their evil grin on their faces, they made me puked!
I hope if karma exist, it will come to people who treat animals badly by letting them have a taste of their own medicine. Glad that there are still kind-hearted hero and heroins who care about these poor animals.
i wish someone would hang those guys who did that to the puppy! or just shoot them down!
how can people be so cruel???
its truly heart breaking...
I don't think you guys should start picking on race here. For all you know they might not be Malays as we know nowadays how interracial marriages from Indian-Chinese can result in a child looking like Malay.
If possible I too want to throw these 2 bugger in jail for life sentence no matter what race they might be.
So we never know, really right ? I'm a Malay myself & I'm a proud dog lover so seriously, we're here for animal cruelty not race cruelty. Peace out people.
Anonymous above is right, ANY race is capable of cruelty. Haven't we come across abusers of various races in our lifetime? I know of some Malay dog-lovers, and even Malays who aren't exactly dog-lovers, but cannot tolerate cruelty to dogs.
Then on the other end of the spectrum, I've read about cruel non-Malay owners who treat their dogs like dirt, expecting the dogs to be a loyal guard dogs but not treating them with respect, like a used object waiting to be discarded. They beat, they starve, and leave the dogs caged up, or tied up permanently with no protection from the harsh weather. Even some hawkers would throw boiling water at the strays.
So really people, let's not go all racial over dog abusers. Anyone is capable of love, just as anyone is capable of abuse.
It's not about race. Although sadly majority of MALAY treat dogs with disgust. These 2 guys should be placed in the correctional center for this disturb behavior. I'm Malay and adopted 3 strays. Nothing makes me happier than to see their wagging tales every time I'm approaching the gate coming back from work :).
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