Sunday, April 4, 2010


Dear people,

sorry for the delay in updates. Have been busy taking care of some puppies down with distemper and parvo. Anyway, the KTM dog, that we have named KTM, is doing well and getting over his fear of people. He has a hearty appetite and this is a good sign. We have are also currently working on what we plan to do next in order to seek justice for KTM. We will keep everyone updated. Meanwhile, here are some pictures.
BTW Mr Soh of the DVS called and said that they want to take action but we would have to surrender the dog to them. What do you all think? Should we surrender vthe dog to DVS to allow them to see of they can take action or should we pursue the matter on our own? Feedback please.


Stephanie Arasu said...

You guys have gone to great lengths to rescue and look after this dog and I hope that you will pursue this matter on your own if you are able to and have the time. I think the followers of this blog and KTM included, trust YOU.

Anonymous said...

pursue the matter on your own is better. Thanks !

Anonymous said...

DONT hand the dog to them.. cant be trusted...

Janz said...

NO WAY!!!! Y shld the poor fella be handed to them to enable them to take action???? If they truly want to take action, even without surrender the dog to them, the action can stil be taken, rite??? Wat wil happen to the poor fella if its surrender to them??? They might giv us a lot of GREAT shit promises, but all are juz WORDS... Pls pls DO NOT SURRENDER the dog to THEM.... We believe in u guys NOT THEM...

Mutt said...

I would be hesitant to hand the dog over to DVS. I would however let them know that you are interested in working WITH them to provide justice for the dog. If that means providing them with documentation of the dogs injuries etc from a vet or reports that you might have etc. If this doesn't seem ok with them then I would take responsible action on your own. While justice for the dog and other like him would be nice ----the emotional, and physical health of the dog should be the top priority. Keep up the good work and thank on you behalf of the animals! Woof! Woof! --Mutt

Anonymous said...

Not a good idea to hand over the dog to DVS. It would be very stressful to the dog and DVS cannot be trusted to look after the dog well. The dog comes first.
If DVS wants to take action, then give the vet's medical report to DVS, and if the dog has to be present at the court as evidence, then arrangements can be made later. But on no account must the dog be handed over to DVS. Why do they have to take the dog to initiate action anyway? Why can't they just check the dog in MDDB's presence and take pictures and whatever else they want and MDDB will still look after the dog.

Anonymous said...

Under MDDB's care KTM will get lots and lots of love but once handed to them only GOD knows how KTM will be treated. Pls MR Soh, let KTM live out his life in peace.

timemaster said...

KTM suffered enough, and it will be a new adjustment for him. I dont think justice will be serve anyway, it is better to just move on. Channel your energies into other dogs who need help. More power to MDDB

havetailwillwag said...

Please don't surrender the dog to them. Why must he be surrendered to them for them to take action and seek justice? That makes no sense. There is plenty of evidence already. There are witnesses, photographs.. They are just looking for excuses not to take any action. Like i've said before, DVS has not prosecuted any cruelty cases in YEARS, even when presented with lots of strong evidence. They are lazy and useless. Just another pointless and grossly ineffective government body.

Emily Chang said...

Absolutely not! Handing over the dog is not a good option. The authorities in this country have a bad track record when it comes to dogs. Just read abt UPM's experiments on healthy dogs, it's sickening and disgusting.

PUPPY LOVE said...

Nope! Definitely not a wise thing to do. If DVS wants to take action they can cooperate with MDDB, why must take full custody of KTM? It sounds fishy to me, by the way, do you remember dogs sent to UPM and DVS for post mortem? Where's the REPORT on the post mortem? They're sweeping the dirts under the carpet again and again.

Anonymous said...

No..Please dont surrender the dog to them. If they need to have a look at the dog, I think the pictures are sufficient. Or they can just pay the dog a visit under your supervision. The dog has suffered enough. It needs to be taken care of by TRUE ANIMAL LOVERS like MDDB! Relocating the dog so soon after all that has happened would also cause additional emotional distress to the dog. Most importantly, WE TRUST YOU!

Anonymous said...

NOOOOO ..Please dont surrender the dog to them! If they want to have a look at the the dog, I think the pictures are sufficient! Or they can just pay the dog a visit under your supervision. The dog has suffered enough. It needs to be under the hands of a TRUE ANIMAL LOVER! Relocating the dog so soon after all that has happened would also cause additional emotional distress to the dog. More importantly, WE ONLY TRUST YOU!

Anonymous said...

I also do not trust DVS, I think it is better for MDDB to pursue the case by your own. The best thing you could do for KTM is make sure he can moves on to have a place call home. It is the best thing for him, justice or not is not that important anymore. Please do not surrender the dog to DVS, god knows what they will do to KTM, they might just destroy the 'evidence' and make some excuses like the dog died in sudden sickness.

Anonymous said...

~ pursue the matter on ur own. U have done a GREAT job and KTM needs u to help him. Great job!!! ~

Unknown said...

PLEASE DO NOT HAND KTM OVER TO THEM. It is like putting the dog back into the lion's den. It is foolishness to do so. You will regret it forever if you do. Please, please, DO NOT hand KTM over to them.
KTM has a happier life with you.
Good job, by the way. Thank God for people like you.
God bless!

Anonymous said...

Why in the hell would anyone consider giving this dog back to anyone? He needs vet care and love and leave him alone For Gods sake what is wrong with people???????????????

Siti Ruqayyah Chan said...

I strongly DISAGREE in handing over KTM to them. You can still update them the condition of KTM although KTM is under your observation. It's not easy to gain the trust of KTM so we shouldn't put him in fear again.

Anonymous said...

Forrester from Petfinder wrote :

Well, speaking with the interest of KTM in mind, I would advise NOT surrendering the poor dog to DVM unless you have 200% guarantee that KTM will be put in an environment and with a caregiver as loving and secure as that which he is currently enjoying in order to recuperate and recover from that recent Hell-ordeal.

After all, KTM is a dog, with feelings of emotions with the capacity to feel love, happiness, joy as well as suffer feelings of pain, fear and terror and be deeply traumatised and scarred by these ordeals, just like any human being.

He is certainly not some piece of wood, furniture or train wagon that can be tossed here and there and not feel or be affected negatively by it all.

Where is he going to live in a government department? And who is committed to go in regularly several times a day to provide him with nutritious food and affection, taking him for happy walks and giving him the warm and loving hugs there?

Or is he simply going to be treated as a court exhibit? Why, I really think you guys can (and should) continue to keep him and take good care of him, and then take him to court on dates of hearing, can that not be done? KTM will be a much happier dog and no one can then argue that they chained him up because he was one mean, ferocious and dangerous dog at the train station and deserved all that rough action rendered on him the other day. Why, if you hand KTM over to DVM and they neglect him there, he might well turn up in court a picture full of fear, aggression and confusion later, and really look like a nasty, bad and mad dog, frothing in the mouth, through no fault of his!

After all, humans get to continue to live comfortably at home, unless you are the guilty party that needs to be confined in prison, right? For some humans, they only take away your passports so you cannot flee the country and you can still live in your homes and go to court on dates of the hearings, right?

Unknown said...

Please DON'T surrender KTM to DVS. We don't trust them! I am sure action can still be taken if KTM is kept safely in MDDB. Justice is important but we shouldn't neglect the safety of him. Please keep us Up to Date when he is ready for adoption. We will go all out to find him a good home. Meantime, just make sure he is safe. NO..DON'T put him in danger. DON'T SURRENDER HIM!!


delsanto said...

Passing the dog to DVS would only put the dog back to the trauma that it had gone through. Without physically having the dog I am sure DVS can still take action against KTM particularly the individual(s) that have caused great pain to this dog. The medical record of the dog’s injuries and the pictures taken earlier can be used as evidenced. This is not the first abused case that we have come across and it is certainly not the last I guess. If DVS have in the past carried their duty effectively then the many abused cases will not go unnoticed and justice would have been carried out in the interest of these animals that were made to suffer.

Obviously, the authority has forgotten the suffering of Sheena (Remember Sheena), Joy (the dog that was battered until his lower jaw was broken). In the case of Sheena the abuser paid the fine of RM100 only where as for Joy nothing came out of it. To me DVS is powerless. Despite all these the animal rescuers are still fighting and will keep on fighting for these helpless animals.

MDDB has given KTM the confidence in life. You not going to trash it away aren’t you.

Unknown said...

Look at his condition. He had suffer enough. We shouldn't put him at any risk again. Please Don't, Don't hand him over to DVS or any other untrusted authority.

PL Lau

Anonymous said...

no way! Thanks and keep up the good work!

Xter said...

Hie, Can you let me know where is this place - the actual dog now at? Cause me and my mum is the one who fed him occasionally. We tot that he passed away, due to a huge impact of a napsack that thrown by one of the indonesia near the KTM Kepong Sentral. Am totally happie that he is ALIVE!

Anonymous said...

BTW DVS What is such initials??? By the comments, are they Bad?? If they can't really do anything to the dog,Pointless of Surrendering KTM to them

Anonymous said...

TWO THINGS came to my mind rightaway.

1.) DVS has ulterior motive to eradicate this problem. They "may" have been paid to find away for the KTM People to be absolved from the case.

2.) DVS wants to GAIN --popularity, money,and or sympathy of the public.

THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING to that contoversial dog pound!
Who are they kidding this time????

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just like what the other feedbacks here.
I'd say, u keep the dog while you two teams can work together on taking the legal actions against the perpetrators.

Poor KTM, he looked like he's been splashed with boiling water/oil more than just once.

These words alone make me teary eyed.
The thought of seeing an animal suffer from HUMAN hands is unbearable.

I guess, we deserve all these natural calamaties the whole world is experiencing =(
Too bad we all have to suffer from the wrongdoings of heartless ones =(

Anonymous said...

Dear All,
MDDB has no shelter, no van, no paid staff, no corporate sponsor, but they speak d LOUDEST against animal curelty. from MPK - MPS - KTM. MDDB has brought d public attention on MPS hell pound. a accuser has lodged HUNDREDS of compaints 2 SPCA on MPS hell pound with pix attached, but the condition of d pound worsen as time passed ! only after d issue was highlighted 2 MDDB, then there is improvement, of course thks 2 d councilors effort too.

d moment wen dedided 2 rescue KTM from MPS hell pound, d big NGO PR & Marketing Manager by means & by ways, tried 2 stop gd souled from taking KTM from d hell pound. It's a shame d NGO has her in d society - wearing a mask 2 cover her evel heart, playing all d politic in d society, by withdrawing salary of RM4000 per mth which is derived from d corporate donation + 1 mth bonus, & d Chair has been so suppotive of her evil act despite d fact tat a few gd staff (incld her immediate superior d Senior PR & Mkt Manager)were kicked out by her !

Anonymous said...

Pls bid ur support 2 MDDB, let MDDB know tat MDDB is not alone helping KTM, v all back MDDB 2 help KTM.

Anonymous said...

pls don't give KTM up, i'm crediting RM100 monthly ever since you have KTM, take care of him.

Anonymous said...

no no dont give ktm to dvs...
"dont put the ball in their court", cos then anything happens, it's their call

soraya said...

nooooo.... wether that have KTM or not is irrelevant. it's better that he stays with someone whom won't accidentally loose him... or.... swap him out for a different dog. what a bunch of twits they are!!

Anonymous said...

Melaka Town Municipal (Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah) has been shooting stray dogs on the streets eversince I was a kid. Hope you guys could do something about it.

Anonymous said...

never ever hand him over.. it's just a ploy, they will do something nasty to KTM.. just use your own approach.. most importantly, i will support MDDB financially as well

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I am gonna think of KTM and you guys in my prayers. and im gonna donate monthly to your cause .Please dont stop doing the good that you do. Malaysian dogs truly deserve better

Anonymous said...

Surrender the dog to DVS??? If DVS really wan to take action, they can co-operate with MDDB, no need to take the dog. If the dog surrendered to DVS, im afraid this dog ended up on experiment lab.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why DVS need to take the dog in order to take action. That does not sound logical at all! And anyway, what can DVS do? Fine the perpetrators RM 100? Pathetic!

Please please do not give KTM over to DVS.

Anonymous said...

When have (most)government authorities ever done anything good for animals in this is a moot point! Pursue this matter on your own please, I think you guys are far more capable, caring and effective than any government body...they disgust me and are absolutely useless!